View Full Version : A lil math help for a tough prob Q:

03-28-2004, 09:04 PM
Hi good people,

This is kind of a wierd one and being one of those guys that know my odds mostly from memory I can compute certain things but this is a lil tough one here! (for me anyway)
How would one figure what the odds are of hitting your "suit" on the flop but Im just talking about 2 cards for a draw here, in other words I have q-kc and the flop comes 4h-7c-jc and now I have the 4 flush.
Considering all the times that you will cath an all american or a rainbow if you call it that, and the other times the flop will have 2 of another suit I actually wrote out all the combos of the fkop and while the paper isnt in front of me I believe I had something like backing into a flush, close to 23-1 BUT now thinking about it I guess I shoulda went 11 helping of 50 cards and did it that way?
Anyway Im open to any kind of help here, I would have searched for it but I wouldnt even know WHAT to search? lol

03-29-2004, 03:08 AM
Odds of flopping at least 2 of your suit:
There are C(50,3) total flops. C(39,3) of these flops will contain none of your suit. 11*C(39,2) will contain exactly one of your suit, so the rest will contain 2 or 3 of your suit. That is P(2 or 3 of your suit) = (C(50,3) - (C(39,3) + 11*C(39,2))/C(50,3) = (19600 - (9139 + 8151))/19600 = 2310/19600 = .1179, so you will flop 2 or 3 of your suit about 11.8% of the time. In odds, that is about 7.5:1 against.