View Full Version : TOEJAM Freeroll this Sunday

TOEJAM3 on xx/04 PM 4 PW
03-25-2004, 09:20 PM
Hi everybody,

The deadline for password requests for this Sunday's innaugral TOEJAM event has been extended, as there are still spaces left in the tournament.

For those who have missed this before now, it is a freeroll at Paradise Poker this coming Sunday at 12:30 ET in the afternoon. The prize pool is to the equivalent of $1,500, first prize being a fantastic deluxe set of poker chips and the whole final table will be paid.

All you need is an account at Paradise. The main attraction for this event will be the 20 v 20 Team ZOO vs Team TOAD (the rest of 2+2). There is space for up to 80 others however, so if you aren't selected for the team match there are plenty of other seats available in the tournament.

If you are interested, send a PM to <font color="blue">TOE JAM</font> enclosing your Paradise username and which team (if any) you would like to be considered for.

For more information, a full guide to the event is available: TOEJAM FAQs (http://www.simongreig.com/toejam/toejamfaqs.html)

Thank you, hope to see some of you on Sunday.

Simon Diamond (TOEJAM TD)
Granny Mae (TOEJAM Host)

PS - Note that you may not receive a reply to your PM until the list of entrants has been decided. So do not panic if you don't hear back immediately - you are being considered.