View Full Version : Party 1/2...A Tough Game?

03-24-2004, 04:56 PM
There have been a few posts lately about the surprisingly tight 1/2 tables at Party lately. I have noticed, it seems in just the last month or so, things have tightned up significantly at this level. EP raises getting maybe 1 caller, or even taking the blinds. Few hands going to the river.

I think the players that play .50/1 & 1/2 regularly, have noticed this. Players at the 2/4, 3/6, 5/10 level may not believe it, because they still see fishy play at 3/6 & 2/4, and assume its worse the lower you go.

Now you can still find good games, but the selection process is more tedious now at the 1/2 level. Why?

Well, obviously, we all know, money limits mean different things to different people. And people play poker for different reasons: for a good time, kicks, whatever. So I think the fishy players, and beginning players pick their limit, .50/1 for some, the more affluent...maybe 2/4, 3/6, because they can afford it.

So you have fish and beginners at .50/1, and the fish and beginners with more money at 2/4 & 3/6. I believe 1/2 is becoming populated by the former .50/1 players who have experience, studied their game, built up a BR and are moving up in limits.

In short, Party 1/2 may be one of the toughest, low limit games online...thoughts, comments?

03-24-2004, 05:01 PM
I just did a quick scan over the Party 1/2 games and it looked like the average table had about 8 or 9 BBs for a pot. This is very very loose.

03-24-2004, 05:08 PM
I agree, nothing scientific to back it up, but I find the 1/2 games tougher than the .5/1 and 2/4 games at Party.

03-24-2004, 06:02 PM
im seeing this trend also. the pot averages for full games are weak. im looking at it right now and the highest avg for a full game is only 15$.

and when i finally am able to find a game with a decent avg like 18$, i sit down, few hands later the avg drops and im forced to leave.

the 1/2 games are indeed drying up for some reason.

03-24-2004, 08:34 PM
i really don't know if 'drying up' is the right term but i do think the 1/2 games aren't quite as ridiculously wild as they were 3 mths ago. they don't play like a .50/1 as much as they used to.

i would still say the quality of play there is worse than the 2/4 though.

i got p-tracker just 2 months ago and almost all of my opponents that play 80%VP$IP or higher are at 1/2 even though a majority of my hands are at 2/4.

but i definately don't see as much 5-players-capping-preflop at the 1/2 that might have been more common previously.
and, no doubt about it, if you can sit at a full 1/2 game and actually see it get folded around to the blinds...you KNOW it has gotten tougher.

right now the highest 1/2 pot-avg is 24 (12xBB) and there is another at 22 (11xBB).
the highest on 2/4 is 48 (14xBB) and there's another at 44 (12xBB).

okay....so maybe you ARE onto something.

there are a number of tables at both levels that are at 8xBB or higher though.

if these games are "tough" then i have either been getting very very lucky or am very very good.
i think neither is the case and i routinely and continually beat up on the 2/4 and 1/2 games (hooray for me!!! taking money from goof-balls).

also...it's a Wednesday (WPT night) so be prepared to see a slight up-tick in the pot-averages.

04-01-2004, 04:45 PM
I just got done bonus whoring at 1-2, and it's STILL a bunch of clowns down there, worse than ever. You may think it's tight because every once in awhile there might be a player or two in there that knows what they're doing, but for the most part I disagree with you. Keep looking around, it was just a fluke. Those games will never ever ever ever ever ever be tight.