View Full Version : how does one become a better player when you................

03-23-2004, 07:21 PM
Ok since table selection is so important when playing poker and you are supposed to play against people that are worse than you how does one become a better player using this rule? For example I always play on Pacific Poker. The games there are very soft with a flop % of 65 + being the norm. It is very rare for me to see a table below 60% because the players are so awful there. I play 3/6 there and clean up on a regular basis. So short of switching Poker sights and reading more books what do I do to become a better player?

03-23-2004, 07:44 PM
IMHO it's like playing multiple tables at a lower limit or moving up to a higher limit. You have to choose between making more money or playing to learn.

I also don't think you get better by playing better players you just lose money. Just as you make money against worse players.

You can get better by reading the books, studying your game, reading and posting hands in the forums, and probably by watching and observing better players (sweating).

03-24-2004, 02:02 AM
One way is using a golf/pool concept.

You play your best against the texture of the table. Then work on playing your best against certain 'types' of opponents inside the texture.

Basically, you're playing yourself against the game presented to you. Like a golfer playing himself against the course. Or a pool player playing himself against the layout of his next shot, regardless of the skill of his opponent. Though the margin for error is bigger against a less skilled opponent, you still want to leave him with the toughest shot possible. I read about this in action in a book titled 'playing off the rail.' A kick ass book about hustling pool/gambling on the road. Great read.

Where the hell is Jimbo?
