View Full Version : Holdem Coach – a program for internet Holdem players

03-19-2004, 08:49 PM
JokerPoker Software has developed a program, Holdem Coach, which has been designed to be used by Holdem Poker players while they are playing on the internet. The purpose of the program is twofold:

1. Holdem Coach computes the current value of the players hand at any point in the deal using the two hole cards and the community cards. This value represents the player's equity and provides a relative value of the player's hand against all other possible hands. In addition, the winning percentage against the probable set of hands that would remain after the betting rounds is calculated. These values may be used as a guide for making decisions during play.

2. Holdem Coach keeps lots of statistics for each session of play so the player can track his results over a period of time and get a realistic idea of progress made, differences playing on different sites or for different stakes, etc.

Unlike similar Holdem programs which run simulations to compute winning percentages, Holdem Coach has been designed to be lightweight, compact, and fast. The Holdem Coach window can reside on the screen simultaneously with the Poker Site window with no overlap (assuming a reasonable screen resolution setting). On an average computer, 100,000 simulations can be run in a couple of seconds which means that using Holdem Coach won't cause the player to play slowly which is very annoying to everyone else in the game.

Holdem Coach has been in a beta evaluation and enhancement mode for the past month and is almost ready for initial production release. The next month will be devoted to final evaluation and will provide a chance to incorporate user suggestions into the final product. If you would be interested in giving Holdem Coach a test drive visit http://members.nuvox.net/~on.billw/JokerPoker/ to get an evaluation copy and check out the full documentation.

If you do decide to give Holdem Coach a try, please email feedback and suggestions to the email address below.

JokerPoker Software
Bill Wright (billw@one.net)

03-20-2004, 03:01 AM

Phat Mack
03-20-2004, 04:19 AM
Not to seem too dense, but what is that a picture of?

03-20-2004, 04:51 AM
a bot

03-20-2004, 12:11 PM
Robot wars

03-20-2004, 03:51 PM
this program isn't a bot. you have to enter everything in manually and stuff. It just keeps how your session is going. I had the very first version before it would tell you your equity and it was way not worth the effort of manually entering the hand data just to keep a history. I used it for one session and though wow this is so useless, i have poker tracker for this.

I'll prolly try it again now that it tells you equity just out of curiosity. I wont end up using it cause i play 4-6 tables at once and obviosly am not gonna be entering hands in manually, i'll just help the guy beta test.

Mike Haven
03-21-2004, 10:40 AM
I found this on their Forum:

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"I have been using Holdem Coach over the past three months while I have been developing it and in that time have played about 3000 hands. At first I had the same problem - spent all of my time entering data and couldn't follow what was going on at the table. With practice I can now enter the data very quickly - once I instinctively learned where the buttons are - and am able to keep up with the action with no problems. The biggest problem is working in bathroom breaks, etc. without missing any data. BTW, I am terrible at hand/eye computer games like first person shooters and I imagine the same skills apply here - being able to think and click quickly.

After using it a while you start to develop some shortcuts. For example, when the hole cards are being dealt, enter your first card as soon as you see it. Then get a count on the number of players present at the deal and adjust it if necessary. Mentally divide the table in half vertically and its like reading two five sided dice. Once the number of players is entered, enter your second card.

As I watch the action around the table before the flop, I preset my action if possible, and then open the Current Players drop down. As people drop, I adjust the number so that when I release the mouse, the correct number will be set.

When the flop cards come, remember the first two and enter them. I have found it helpful to think of the cards suit first since that is the order you push the buttons. For example, club king, heart four, etc. Then enter the third card. Once the cards are set, hit Compute.

After that point it is pretty easy since you are only dealing with one card at a time and can adjust the number of players pretty quickly. Another thing to remember is that once you drop you dont have to enter any more cards or number of players if you dont want to. When you click the Loss button, it will give you a chance to set the number of players at the flop. To make that easy to remember, I usually set the number of players in the drop down even though I may not enter the cards. The only thing to remember is that the flop players in the Loss window will not be set automatically unless you enter the flop cards and players and click Compute."

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o ... k

(In fact, if you want to while away a few minutes of your time by reading their Forum (http://www.criticalshot.com/forum/index.php), it is quite enlightening how the fish who might use this aide actually think. (One of them has discovered it's not a great idea to play T2o, by using the programme. /images/graemlins/frown.gif ))