View Full Version : what's the next step

Choda Boy
03-18-2004, 04:30 PM
i have been playing hold'em for about 6-7 months now.
i was clueless at first then started reading 2+2 books & others.
now i am pretty much break even.
what is the next step to becoming better than average.
more reading & rereading? table experience?
i am at a stand still & cannot seem to get over this hump.
any help would be much appreciated.

03-18-2004, 04:36 PM
Learn from the Micro-Limits forum, continue to read and study, continue to practice playing.

Mike Gallo
03-18-2004, 05:43 PM

Welcome aboard. Play more hands post more hands.

03-18-2004, 05:54 PM

Basically what MG said. Post and read in the micro forum. Posting actual hands and getting good feedback will increase your learning speed. But nothing will increase your skill faster than table time and a good study ethic.

03-18-2004, 11:19 PM
You could probably get a better answer if you described your situation in more detail. Try indicating the limits that you play, the books that you have read, the hours that you have played, where you have played, the software that you have bought, etc. I could go on, but I think you get the picture. You cannot effectively get coached until the coach understands your current situation.


03-19-2004, 04:41 AM
May I also suggest Poker Tracker. That has helped me find weaknesses in my game and has also shown me when I was just having a bad run of cards. Well worth every penny of the investment.

03-19-2004, 08:15 AM
If you have been playing for 6 months are are breaking even make pre-flop charts to keep you honest on the pre-flop decisions. One chart for every seat. You don't have t follow them exactly because of table conditions but it's noce to keep you from tilting.

Make a chart for pot odds. For instance in a 2/4 game I know that if I have 5 outs on the flop I need to have $20 in the pot and on the turn 37.

Tighten up even more after the flop and become more aggressive. (these are default statements LOL).

Poker Tracker is noce but I've grown away from Party to greener pastures BUT still like the software.

Purchase Turbi Texas Hold'm. It'll point out leaks and I 100% think thta if you place 10,000 hands with that you can be a winner up to 2/4 at least.

Choda Boy
03-21-2004, 03:02 PM
thanks to all that have replied, everyone has been most helpful.
the books i have read & are reading are:
lee jones, wllh.
2+2 books, hpfap, inside the poker mind.
and of course doyles book.
i've got turbo texas hold'em for my computer & i read anything i can find on the net.
i went from superfish to breakeven in a short amount of time after getting an education on position & starting hands.
i try to adjust to the tables, but over all play pretty tight(about 18-25% of hands).
i have noticed only a few differences between 2-4, 3-6 & 5-10.
there are are good, bad & deceptive players at every level so right now i have got the roll to play at the 5-10 games & as of now i am doing pretty good.
i have much to learn, but i think i have a decent grasp of the game & i am always learning something new every session.
right now one problem i have noticd is the "value bet".
it seems alot of times i may have the best hand all the way to the river & cards come up to make the flop "dramatic"(straight or flush card).
sometimes i may be losing $$ by only checking on the river, but i have been burned quite a few times by the river card it has made me very cautious. i have also lost extra bets.
the worst thing about myself i have noticed is being patient. sometimes boredom creeps in & i get a little loose, but i have got much better & am fixing that leak.
i have been playing fairly tight & the funny thing is though at most tables i could pass 3-4 orbits, come in with a strong raise & a lot of people will cold call even though i have not been playing many hands.
to me it seems the key to consistent winning is, table selection, poker knowledge(books & live play experience), deceptive play & patience.
i will soon post some hands when i run into questionable ones(happens all the time).

thanks again everyone,
the chode