View Full Version : More group action! Poker Tracker [long]

03-13-2004, 07:33 PM
Poker Tracker has just brought out a new patch in which you can select whichever stats you want and export the values to every player. I.e. For every player you have played more than 100 hands against you could export his % of hands played/raised/rerasied etc etc.

So this is a huge help to anyone who multitables and usually has no reads on any of the players. Since right now i'm on 4 tables and each of those have at least 3 players i've played more than 200 hands with so i have notes on them.

Firstly here's the MS Sunshine post (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=inet&Number=464069&fpart=& PHPSESSID=) on how to evaluate these figures.

I've exported the following values:

Number of Hands Played Against.

Amount Won.

VPIP - Percentage player put money in the pot.

PFR - Preflop raise percentage.

FBB - Fold BB to a steal raise.

Amount Won firstly helps me sperate who's a clown from who are the winning players. So this helps hand reading if you know the player is solid.

As NL players i think the most important figure for us is the PFR amount. Here's my breakdown of it:

<1% raises only AA KK.

<2.5% raises Add QQ AK

<3.7% add AQ

<4.2% add JJ

<5.8% add TT QK AJ

<10% add 99 88 KJ AT

Here's a quick run down of how this should affect your play:
- Remember you are going to need a big sample size to put a lot of faith in this but it can lead you in the right direction. -

<1% player and you have AA you should raise up big. You should drop JJ (you should drop QQ really but you'd need a huge sample to be so sure). You could call with call with any pocket pair.

<10% Call with KQ. reraise AQ. Drop most medium pocket pairs unless stacks are huge. Etc etc.

Lastly, here's the ethical part. Should we all share databases so we can get a large sample of a lot of players? I really don't see anything wrong with this, but i also don't see anything wrong with posting players' names, but some people here may object to this. Also if we do share databases all your play is open to the other 2+2er. That shouldn't really be a problem since we're rarely on the same table, but it will be a problem if you're shy about your win rate etc.

So if anyone wants to go through with sharing the best way to do it is in the unoffical twoplustwo chatroom on IRC (www.mirc.com to download) then server EFnet and channel #twoplustwo. The database files are going to be large so it could take a while.