View Full Version : It's Like Playing on The Freeway..Or Fishing For Smelt !

03-13-2004, 02:10 PM
Wow has Poker changed in the last year...You used to go into a Poker Room and sure there were bad players at your table....Great ! I mean it would be you and 5 or 6 others regulars and a few fish (Smelt) sitting at your table. I mean if you had AK and pre-flop raised and a K hit the flop...you bet 6 regulars folded and 2 smelt called...You only had 2 fish to beat in any given hand....Not so hard. I mean if a 3 came on the turn it was a save perfect card for your AK.

But not any more...

That 3 is a monster.....there are no safe cards left in any deck, anywhere....None !

Now, because of the World Poker Tour and all of the TV coverage on Poker.....It has all changed....

You go to your local card house and sit down in your favorite game and look around for old Frank, or Buddy or Sammy....your old buddies...and they are no where in sight...Everyone at your table except maybe one player you have ever even seen before....the fish are schooling....You are now like the fish in a tank of barracuda's....not very smart Barracudas either...They saw the WPT on TV....They know a 3 might come on the turn or river......YA that's the new way to play it...You now get AK and there is 7 or 8 smelt seeing the flop and 6 or 7 seeing the river every time, hand after hand...There is no safe card in any deck...The deck is covered....Your K on the flop with top kicker the A is no good....you have to improve it to win. If the flop was K, T, 8 all different colors....the 3 on the turn now just gave one of the fish a pair of 3's with a 4 kicker...and of course a 4 will come on the river.....or if a 2 comes on the turn and a 7 on the river, one of the fish rolls over 7, 2.....Ya I saw it on TV and that is the way you play this game......I saw it! You can now be a math pro, odds pro, EV pro, check raise pro, player reading Pro, you can be so on your game you are like Obi Wan Jedi Master Poker Kanobi.....and it makes no difference to the smelt...You have to flop sets, make flushes and open ended draws to even have a chance of beating the games right now ...

Poker is now like:

Playing on the Freeway at 5 p.m. rush hour...

Being the Bait at the fish hatchery feeding time...

Being in a Mash Pit at a Rock concert...

Being near the door of a indoor concert and being crushed to death by all of the people coming out...

I know, I know you online pro's are saying bring on the fish...I can out play them. I am super Poker online playing man! I mean I am really good....so let me tell you how good I really am!...

In reality....your odds have went way down in the current style of play...You cannot bluff a hand at the river very often......there is still 6 fish to call behind you...You cannot check raise....the fish don't know what you are doing anyway and they just think, wow a bigger pot for me with my monster 7, 4 off suit....

Remember: I saw it on TV and it must be True...........LOL

03-13-2004, 03:16 PM
In reality....your odds have went way down in the current style of play...You cannot bluff a hand at the river very often......there is still 6 fish to call behind you...You cannot check raise....the fish don't know what you are doing anyway and they just think, wow a bigger pot for me with my monster 7, 4 off suit....

[/ QUOTE ]

Does this mean that you don't know how to bluff less, value bet more, and checkaise for value more?

03-13-2004, 04:24 PM
Come on PUD.....sure you have to Bluff less......But you cannot bluff and win as many pots as you used to.....

all of this just cuts your edge down.........

03-13-2004, 05:38 PM
all of this just cuts your edge down.........

[/ QUOTE ]

This is the old "you make more money playing against good players" fallacy. Sure you can't bluff and win as many pots, but the ones you do win are much bigger. I love when the fish chase all the way to the river, even though they're drawing to a runner runner whatever on the flop to my set of kings.

03-13-2004, 05:52 PM
Yes, the games have changed. Learn to adjust. They're more profitable than before if you can figure out how instead of wasting your time whining about it.

This is about the 51 zillionth post on this subject, and the answers don't change. The seasoned veterans and pro's are still right, and the newbies and rookies to the game are still wrong.


03-13-2004, 06:23 PM
I think you just have to move up in limits a little higher to find the good games/players ...

03-13-2004, 09:24 PM
In reality....your odds have went way down in the current style of play...You cannot bluff a hand at the river very often......there is still 6 fish to call behind you...You cannot check raise....the fish don't know what you are doing anyway and they just think, wow a bigger pot for me with my monster 7, 4 off suit....

[/ QUOTE ]

In reality.....what this does is increase your short term swings and your long term profit. Pretty fair trade if you ask me.

03-13-2004, 10:18 PM
Come on PUD.....sure you have to Bluff less......But you cannot bluff and win as many pots as you used to.....

all of this just cuts your edge down.........

[/ QUOTE ]

Would you rather win X number of pots, with an average profit of Y BB/hand, or would you rather win X/2 number of pots, with an average profit of 3Y BB/hand?

03-13-2004, 10:27 PM
This post is just a joke.....wake up guys.....LOL

maybe put a smile on some faces? .......guess not....