View Full Version : Automatic Switching of Games at Party

03-12-2004, 11:24 AM
I have been playing on the internet only since November at 2 different sites, Party being one of them. It is vey frustrating at Party that, when playing multiple tables (I play only 2 at a time), and I am just about to act, say raise in one hand, the other game suddenly pops up and I find myself 3 betting a hand where the correct move is to fold! Just as equally frustrating is folding a hand where my intention is to raise! At times, I am involved in simultaneous raising hands, but because of post flop actions in one hand, I make incorrect decisions because of this automatic game switching that limits my control of the game. There are other instances when I would like to watch the conclusion of a hand I am not involved in to assess the players' style. Suddenly the other game where a new hand is being dealt would pop up where I am in BB and therefore the last to act. By the time I click to the previous game, it is over and a new hand is being dealt.

I do not know how the other sites like UB, Paradise, etc., operates, but Pokerroom which is a very small site, utilizes sounds to alert the player that he has an option in the other game living it up to the player the choice whether to attend to that game right away or not.

I am sure most of Pary players share my experience and would like to hear some suggestions on how to overcome this. For one thing, I e-mailed Party about this. I think it is a good idea that Party players voice their concern and maybe, just maybe Party will listen and give the players better control of their game.

03-12-2004, 11:28 AM
don't line up the buttons so you can misclick. Pretty simple. There are somewhere between 7 and 3,893 threads about multi-tabling with info from monitors to how to play 38 tables at once. search and enjoy.

03-12-2004, 11:31 AM
Other people have made similar posts so you're not alone. From the sound of it your tables are filling up an entire screen so your desktop area on the monitor may be set too high (or is it low?) Try fooling around with that so the party windows are smaller and you can see both rooms at the same time. Even if you can't see the whole table try and take seats in opposite corners, this will hopefully clear up some of the confusion. Personally I play between 2 and 4 games and after some practice rarely run into this problem anymore

Hope this helps!

03-12-2004, 12:34 PM
Set your screen resolution higher (Right-click on desktop->Properties->Settings->Screen Resolution

At 1600x1200 you can play 4 party tables with no overlapping whatsoever. If your monitor and/or video card can't go that high, just set it as high as possible and position the windows so that it would be impossible for any of the buttons to overlap.

03-12-2004, 03:14 PM
I never had that problem at pokerroom seeing as I could only play one table at a time. Has that changed in the last year?

03-15-2004, 02:16 AM
Yes, I was playing 4 tables last week on there from the website interface, quite wonderful, until one of my programs tried to access a website and shut them all down, good thing my windows were shut.