View Full Version : Same people at UB 25/50 NL

03-10-2004, 04:17 AM
Sometimes I stop in to watch the 25/50 NL table on UB. Is it just me or is it always the same people in there going heads up or 3-4 handed? Don't they know who is the better than whom and who always takes their money? Or, are they about even against eachother? Any which way, it just seems a little pointless to always play against eachother rather than feeding on some fish.

03-10-2004, 10:25 AM
That's what happens when you get to the high limits.

They sit around all day at a half-empty table, giving the illusion that there's a game going, when in effect, both sides know their edge is relatively small, so they sit and take each others money, breaking relatively even.

Then, someone new joins the game.

Begin feeding frenzy.

03-10-2004, 02:09 PM
Yeah, I watch that game from time to time, or at least take a look at it, and there is one guy in particular that I see playing the higher limits quite a bit. (No names mentioned). I saw him go all in preflop with AA on the 25-50 NL table (5000$ stack) and get busted with J9s. He insisted on winning, so the two guys kept on going all in preflop. They would decide a couple hands before, and then do it. But, he kept on getting busted.. and reloading..

He dropped $25000 in 10 minutes.. wow..