View Full Version : Turbo Texas Hold'em

03-06-2004, 04:25 PM
I just purchased TTH. I have a few questions.

1. Which profiles are the strongest?

2. How strong is the play generally?

3. If I am beating the Low Limit profiles regularly does that translate into enough skill to beat Low Limit games ($1-$2/$3-$6) online at say UB, Pokerstars etc..?

4. I'm having trouble understanding the documentation related to simulation/automatic test ability. What I want to do (if possible) is test certain specific situations.

ex. Assume I have pocket 77 in early position and I raise, how will I do on various types of tables.

ex Assume I raise with pocket 22 in middle position against a tight table and fold if I don't get the set. How will I do?

I am looking to run simulations like that.

Can anyone help?

Any other useful insights would be greatly appreciated.


03-06-2004, 07:46 PM
1. Use #1
2. depends on what profile
3. well - Pokerstars and UB are tough but generally yes - all othersites - without a doubt
4. Me too! and I have 3 editions LOL

The one BIG difference in TTH and REAL players are that real players make mistakes - TTH players play badly and tilt. REAL are concerned with their money - when they win a few they get looser, lose a bunch tighten up.

If you are going to play low limit games NOT at PokerStars or UB use the LOWLIMIT Games or LOOSE.

03-07-2004, 01:07 PM
One lineup I have is 1. Jane (average), 2. Conan (avero), 3. Gypsy (avero), 4. Lash (avero), 5. Rube (loose), 6. Cinch (avero), 7. Bret (tight), 8. Gypsy (avero), 9. Cinch (avero), 10. Human Player.

I have these a bit custom, but basically I have changed mostly Cinch and Gypsy preflop strategy to make them play like looser averos between tight and average players, group 5 early and group 6 middle, and I have also put them to cold call more, like with group five, and group four suited hands. No one adjusts, some steal. I have the version 3 (it's just about the same as any newer version). The difference to real games especially at low limits is that humans play more or less differently.

What comes to learning the turbo inside out, it rates to take a year or few when occasionally used, and that goes also to learning to use or understand the simulations better.

03-07-2004, 09:21 PM
I'm a beginner.

One theoretical problem I have with adjusting the players on TTH is that I then have a better idea of what to expect from them going into a game. When I go into an online game, I rarely know any of the players. The few I do know, I simply have categorized as either strong (good) or weak (bad) based on watching some pre-flop play. I avoid the strong players and try to get on tables with 2 known weak players. I need to develop some skill at picking up on specific strengths, weaknesses, style of play.

03-09-2004, 11:04 PM
Is Mike the adviser as strong at Bret the Adviser?

I've been playing a group of low limit players "against Mike". So far I'm losing at the table, but I'm beating Mike. When I run Bret against the same group in a simulation, he kills them. I don't see a Mike profile. Any comments?

03-10-2004, 08:11 AM
Mike is a Profile that you will never see and is the strongest. He is actually many profiles according to table conditions.

Even if you lose against Mike you will be a winner in Micro games - why? because you are trying to learn and soaking up knowledge. 95% of the Micro players are playing on "feel".

Turn off the names of the players when you play. This way they are all the same - use random seating also.

At some point turn off the hand - it can become a crutch!