View Full Version : Hand Group Question from Beginner

03-04-2004, 09:25 PM
Have the Sklansky/Malmuth hand groups been updated since the 1999 version of Holdem Poker for Advanced Players?

I read several newsgroup comments that claim there have been updates because of small inaccuracies found after further research. If I recall reversing KTs (group4) and JTs (group 3) was the most obvious one. THanks.

03-04-2004, 10:05 PM
I'm not sure what 1999 is. The 21st Century Edition, no. There were changes between HEP and HEPFAP, but, I believe they were for different reasons such as structure (blinds).

The 'further research' you're confusing was not S&M it was this article:


If you do some searches on "New Guide to the Starting Hands" you should find several long threads about this article. A couple point to an article by Mason about it.

Search has been fickle lately, you might not. Good Luck.