View Full Version : Another Question about Bluffing

03-03-2004, 09:19 AM
Should one advertise their bluffs?

03-03-2004, 10:21 AM
That depends.

If you're not getting much action from your good hands, then advertising a bluff will get you some more action and can be a viable tactic.

If you want a little more respect (people to fold) when you're betting marginal hands, then it's best to keep your secrets to yourself.

I prefer to keep them guessing and rarely show uncontested cards. Especially if you're playing live - you may be giving people reads (tells) - if they can spot a particular behavior when you're bluffing, you're done. I'll often pick up a tell on someone and really hope they have to show their cards so I can know how to apply the tell. If they don't show the cards it's hard to know if they are strong or weak.

03-04-2004, 02:02 AM
Advertising a bluff is usefull to promote action, or get others to call you down, ect.

However stealing your unfair share of small pots, having an effective semi-bluff and still looking like I tighty is not that bad of a life.

03-04-2004, 08:44 AM
Most limit players would want to appear they play tighter than they actually do so they can steal pots, semi-bluff and get respect (but not too much) from their raises.If you are getting to much respect aka no callers when you raise or come in earlier then you may want to advertise but most of the time no one even notices (Low limit players) if you play tight so they will call you down anyway.

Overall, its most likely not good to advertise your bluffs.

Ive read it somewhere in another post and its a good rule to go by, Think about playing poker as your Miranda rights, anything you say or show can be used against you.