View Full Version : keeping a streak going

03-03-2004, 12:21 AM
so i play online alot and do decently, no big deal, etc. in addition, i play alot with my school buddies, who all also play online and read books on poker and whatnot. today we play a ten dollar buy in no limit game (a big game to be sure among starving college kids) and within 3 hours i have taken every chip on the table. this is not usually althoug i do consistently well in these games. my question is, i guess, is this just "my night" or is it something more? this has happened before but, rather than signal a lasting improvement in play, i usually have a rough time in the next game. today was a dream. my raises were being respected, i was buying pots when i didnt have hands and taking huge pots when i did have the cards. i almost always knew what my opponents held to a reasonable degree, and i was not slowplayed once with any efficency. i hate to believe my destiny is all in the cards however. any suggestions on how to prolong better than usual play?

03-03-2004, 12:23 AM

03-03-2004, 12:55 AM
not sharing?

03-03-2004, 02:15 AM
I didn't understand what your post is asking, have you suddenly become great?, did you have a lucky night?, will this continue? So I just answered yes.

How do you continue your good fortune, if your better than you friends then just play, if you were lucky then stay lucky