View Full Version : Basic Q on Tourny Rules

02-29-2004, 01:25 PM
I'd like to play an upcoming tourny at the Taj in AC, but I have a few questions.

It's a $20 buy in with add-on and rebuys. The Taj website says: N/L HOLD'EM
20 + 10 Re-Buys Add-Ons

Does this mean that "+10" is the cost of the add-ons and rebuys? Can you buy and add-on when you first buy in? Given the rate, how much should I bring to the table?


03-01-2004, 10:43 AM
Yes, the Re-buys and Add-ons are $10 each.

You probably can't add extra chips when you begin.

BE sure to read the rules specific to THAT tourney, but in general, re-buys are limited to a specific time period (first hour, first 3 levels etc). Typically, you need to either be out of chips or down to a certain chip level to re-buy. Some toureneys you just need to be below your origianl chips to Q for a rebuy.

Add-ons are a one time deal. Usually at the time the re-buy option expeires, everyone has the option to buy additional chips regardless of stack size.

After that, it's a freeze out - what you have is what you got and you have to win chips to add them to your stack.

As I said, this stuff is generic and you should be sure to read and understand the rules specific to THAT tourney.

Lottery Larry
03-01-2004, 12:24 PM
LetsRock are you sure that the +$10 doesn't refer to the house take? The rebuys may also be $10 but I think you buy in for $30 and you get $20 put into the prize pool, right?

03-01-2004, 04:27 PM
No I am not sure.

$10 seems like a pretty stiff vig on a $20 buy in though. I would guess that $20/$10 are buy-in/re-buy numbers, but I would call the casino or read the flyer to know what this particular tournament is about.