View Full Version : Rake Rebates

02-28-2004, 10:15 PM
I already have an account with Party Poker and play a fair amount each week. Getting 15% of my rake back at a place like freepokermoney.net would mean a lot of extra money, but it is ethical to sign up under a friend's name?

02-28-2004, 10:21 PM
You obviously already know the answer to this question. No, it's not ethical to get money you aren't entitled to, and since you're already playing at party, you're not entitled to this bonus as it is meant for new players.

You don't want a real answer, you want justification for doing what you feel is not ethical. Be selfish and just do it. After all, Party can afford it or they wouldn't offer. Just don't try to lie to yourself and call it an "ethical" choice.

02-28-2004, 10:31 PM
The thought of doing has crossed my mind but I do have a conscience and am I more honest than most. I just wanted to know what others thought becuase probably a lot of people are getting away with money that they aren't really entitled to.

02-28-2004, 10:36 PM
Ok, i'm not ethical and couldn't care less if i rob party of 15% of the huge amounts it's getting from me.

So my question is. I already have an account there, but if i sign up with a new one will i get tons of crap when cashing out? Any other problems?


02-29-2004, 01:41 AM
this is a question best asked in the internet forum - if you have a party account but not an account at say empire then i believe its still possible to open an empire account via an affiliate and thereby arrange a rake rebate - i know a couple of guys who have done exactly this in the last 2-3 weeks with success

search the internet forum for details and/or post about affiliate rake rebate arrangements and you will no doubt recieve a bunch of offers - you should be able to find a decent affilate at empire who will agree to give you back more than 15% - there have been several recent posts on both topics

as for ethical - again there has been much debate about it recently on the internet forum in the last week or so - my view is that it is completely ethical

stripsqueez - chickenhawk

02-29-2004, 02:25 AM

I tried to open a new account just last week to try to nail the perfecta of affiliateness, that is, being an affiliate, and having yourself as a client, getting your own rake back. (I guess to be really perfect, you'd have a 3rd account, which would be registered as a subaffiliate as well.)

Within 3 days of opening the second account, they noted that I had 2 active accounts with the same name attached, and froze them both. They were very nice about it and fixed me up with one of the accounts over the phone, instead of just confiscating the money, which i think the user agreement says they can, for which I am thankful.

The only "activity" in the older account that I had after opening the second account was to transfer funds to the new account, not playing or anything.

I am not the only person I know of haing had this happen to.

So, my answer is, yes, they will probably catch you, and no, you will probably not get in any trouble. They will probably just let you keep the new account if you want. They'd probably even arrange it for you if you called them.

Hope that's helpful,
