View Full Version : The preflop reraise with A9off

01-19-2004, 10:56 AM
Hi folks,

Playing my usuall 20$/40$ live at my local casino. Luck was not on my side this day (Flopped a set of 4's on a 543 flop, turn another 5. SB held 53). However, right to me sat, what I'd call a maniac. He told me, he does not understand, why not playing any hand! You know what I mean. However he often raised with stuff like 67s,Ax,K10. So I thought as soon as I've got at least a piece of a hand I'll play back at him. Then the following situation appears:

He is EP and third to act and again he open-raises. I find A9off and feel this is my chance (despite I'm usually not playing this hand at all). So I three-bet. I've got a very tight image at the table, so I know everyone will respect my reraise. As planned everyone fold, apart from my brother, who is in the SB and playing himself pretty tight. So I know he has me beat preflop. Maniac caps, which makes me feel neither too happy. Ok, we three take the flop:

3,8,8 rainbow. My bro checks, maniac check, I check (mistake?)

Turn: 9.

Both check and I bet. My bro folds, maniac calls.

River: 3.

Maniac checks, I bet, maniac folds!

So, what do you think about my play? Am I myself a maniac? All comments appreciated!

PS: I'd wait for a better hand to make this play, but this was actually one of the best I got the whole eve!

01-20-2004, 11:42 AM
Sounds like you picked a fairly poor hand on which to stand your ground. Compounding your situation even more, a legit player called the capped betting pre-flop. With last postion and action checked to you on the flop, why didn't you bet, what was going through your mind? The legit player checked showing weakness, and this was a golden opportunity to iso the big fish. Your game sounds pretty soft.