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View Full Version : There is a new Forum needed

01-18-2004, 06:59 PM
I believe there should be a new grammar forum created for all the losers who would rather discuss punctuation and sentence structure rather then poker. This is a poker forum to discuss poker not an english class. If bad grammar bothers you so much then go teach some classes, I on the other hand will be taking money from the fish.

Ed Miller
01-18-2004, 07:22 PM
If bad grammar bothers you so much then go teach some classes, I on the other hand will be taking money from the fish.

You have a comma separating two independent clauses. You should either break this into two sentences or use a semicolon instead.

01-18-2004, 10:37 PM
structure rather then poker

[/ QUOTE ]

You mean rather than poker. There is very high correlation between poker skill and grammar skill on this board, btw.

01-19-2004, 12:49 AM

01-19-2004, 12:53 AM
You have a comma separating two independent clauses. You should either break this into two sentences or use a semicolon instead.

[/ QUOTE ]

... beat me to it. Argh!

01-19-2004, 01:29 AM
This is a poker forum to discuss poker not an english class.

[/ QUOTE ]

The above contains an unclear clause at the end of the sentence. Are you saying that this poker forum should not be discussing English classes? Or that this forum is not an English class? The sentence is very confusing.

01-19-2004, 02:31 AM
There is very high correlation between poker skill and grammar skill on this board, btw.

I've actually noticed this too.


01-19-2004, 02:33 AM
ha.. man you are funny.. keep taking money from the fish and keep dumping it back to casinos playing blackjack. you are one of the great ones.. your name says it all.

01-19-2004, 06:18 AM
Perhaps we should all talk in our regional dialects then they will have somthing to complain about.


Howay man theres nowt wrong with me english I'm ganna keep talking aal proper like. I reckon its canny ye are trying to educate us all like but I divvent think its ganna work like man. Its funny you are getting your kecks in a twist aal ower this as long as we all na what we are gannin on aboot then its all aboot the poker man.

I do talk like this btw perhaps not a strong.


Or we could go into the differences of american and english english, that debate could go on for hours.

01-19-2004, 08:13 AM
You know, when participating in a community where the only representations of your intelligence are your mastery of the language spoken there and your ability to reproduce it a both typeographically and grammatically correct manner, you'd figure it would be in your best interest to take an interest in your spelling and grammar.

That is, unless you like looking like an idiot.

01-19-2004, 11:37 AM

01-19-2004, 11:43 AM
I believe there should be a new grammar forum created for all the losers who would rather discuss punctuation and sentence structure rather then poker.

This is a run-on sentence. What predicate does rather qualify? Not clear.

This is a poker forum to discuss poker not an english class.

Independent clauses require a comma, for example, "This is a...discuss poker, not an English class." English in this case is a proper noun and must be capitalized.

If bad grammar bothers you so much then go teach some classes, I on the other hand will be taking money from the fish.

Two separate clauses require a comma, as above - "If bad grammer bothers you so much, then go teach some classes."

Two independent thoughts need a period to separate them. "...go teach some classes. I..."

"On the other hand" serves as a conjunction here and must be separated by commas, as in "I, on the other hand, will be..."

01-19-2004, 11:43 AM
I believe there should be a new grammar forum created for all the losers who would rather discuss punctuation and sentence structure rather then poker.

This is a run-on sentence. What predicate does rather qualify? Not clear.

This is a poker forum to discuss poker not an english class.

Independent clauses require a comma, for example, "This is a...discuss poker, not an English class." English in this case is a proper noun and must be capitalized.

If bad grammar bothers you so much then go teach some classes, I on the other hand will be taking money from the fish.

Two separate clauses require a comma, as above - "If bad grammer bothers you so much, then go teach some classes."

Two independent thoughts need a period to separate them. "...go teach some classes. I..."

"On the other hand" serves as a conjunction here and must be separated by commas, as in "I, on the other hand, will be..."