View Full Version : Applet groopz started? Did Neteller always do this?

01-18-2004, 03:13 PM
I notice that now when I go to Neteller it starts a Java applet called 'Groopz'.

This applet continues to run after I leave Neteller.

What is this? Did Neteller always run this?

I don't mean to sensationalize this but the name of the applet smacks to me of adware or something.... and lately CNNs website seems to be throwing up Netflix ads like crzy.. is it them or this.. I use Adaware and am clean.

ANyway i'm just posting to save myself the time of digging to the bottom of this. If no one can offer explanation I'll invest some time to see what it's doing.

Heres a start... www.groopz.com (http://www.groopz.com)

I guess the question is what is it doing when it keeps running after I leave neteller?

01-18-2004, 03:24 PM
That’s their “Live Chat Online Help”.

Most browsers leave Java open when you leave a web page. The applet is no longer actually running, just the Java console is still open.