View Full Version : Cold callers with small pairs

08-15-2002, 02:58 AM

One of the games I play in features players who will often cold call a raise with a small pair. This has made the endgame tougher for an unimproved AK and AQ.What I do to try to offset this play is to raise jacks and tens and sometimes limp AKs and AQs.

Are players giving up much with this kind of cold call? Does the flopped set that they sometimes get vs a big hand make it worth trying at times? Thanks for any responses.

08-15-2002, 05:17 AM
This has made the endgame tougher for an unimproved AK and AQ.

Why? Will they call all the way to the river with their unimproved 66? If they won't, then you should often (not always) be betting your unimproved AK's and AQ's on the river when up against these opponents.

08-15-2002, 07:00 AM
"Are players giving up much with this kind of cold call?"

I don't think so.

"Does the flopped set that they sometimes get vs a big hand make it worth trying at times?"

No, but when added to the times that the pair is the best hand start to finish, it sure does.

Be prepaired.
