View Full Version : question to all

01-04-2004, 06:49 PM
Hi all, new to this whole thing. I have a general question regarding a perticular hand that happened to me a few nights back. I was playing in a moderatly loose no limit game, and was on the button with a ace/3 suited. The pot had been called by one player then raised to 10 dollars by the chair one to my left. I saw it as a blatent steal and re-raised the pot to twenty. Both players called and the floop came Trey/Trey/9 rainbowed. The board was checked to me and i bet 10 dollars in hopes to trap someone into a raise. I was called by one player and the turn came 6. At which point the one caller went all in. Not being muhch scared of the six, i didnt even think before calling his all in and seeing him turn over a 3/6 to make his fullhouse. Now my question to all is whether or not this is a bad beat or if it was my own fault for not playing my trips fast enough. I have thought about the hand for a couple days and I'd love some input.

01-04-2004, 07:07 PM
no matter what you'd have done, he isnt folding trips here. would you?

sometimes you get drawn out on.


01-04-2004, 08:53 PM
Bernie's right. You'll find certain phrases, quips, and old cliche expressions that find a good home at the poker table.

Phrases like:

1) S**t!!
2) Son of a B****!
3) Oh... my... f***ing... GOD!
4) F***ing HELL!
5) Oh, what the F***!?

and the one that you just have to keep repeating to yourself like some sort of crazy mantra:

6) Sh*t happens.

Seemingly in poker more than in anything else in my life, Sh*t f**king happens. And you're almost never happy when you have it happen.

At any rate, practice these phrases for when you get drawn out on. You'll fit right in at the table, trust me!