View Full Version : Internet Poker - My 2003 recap and 2004 goals

01-01-2004, 01:35 PM
After a cautious start the previous two years, 2003 was a very good year online for me. Played nine different sites and was winners at all of them. Had all twelve winning months.

Did the BO-HO circuit, and sure wish I had kept track of the bonus $ separate from the winnings. Never even thought of this until Lori mentioned it in a post.

Had a little success with the Party single table tournies, but did not follow up and take it seriously. Plus, they got so difficult to get a seat during crowded times. Multi-table tournies have become just a waste of hours for no positive $ factor. I treat them as entertainment or a break in the action.

Looking over the compiled 2003 results, I am astounded at how much of the winnings are concentrated in the top few sites. The bulk of the $ came from Party/Empire and Paradise. A few hundred each from Stars and True. Only some pin money from UB--(why can't I win bigger on that site?) and the rest were really a financial waste of time.

Goals for 2004:

--Only play the big sites where I have had prior success. (ok ok, I'll give UB one more try)

--Reduce the BO-HO activity. I'll take what they give me, but will not let that be a major factor in where or how much I play.

--Estimating 600 hours of online ring games. 1/3 at 3-6, 1/3 higher and 1/3 lower.

--Will try 50 single table tournies in the first 6 months (average 2/week) and continue or expand if the financial results are worthwhile.

--Make another 25 "quality" posts on the zoo forum.