View Full Version : Poker spouses

12-26-2003, 04:08 AM
I am just beginning to realize that opposites really do attract. My spouse thinks I should come to bed at a certain time. I think I should come to bed when I no longer have an advantage in a game. Sometimes this is well before her time and others I may not get more than a hour of sleep before I go to work.

I am testing a theory or doing a survey, what ever you want to call it. Please respond if you are married or in a serious long-term relationship.

P.S. She is a little more forgiving since I pulled some money out of my bankroll to pay for X-mas this year.

12-26-2003, 04:13 AM

12-27-2003, 12:46 AM
I'm married and you better get your priorities straight.

While there is time for poker, a job and family (kids, or no) the order better be: family, job, poker.

Wives are funny about their husbands coming to bed with them, even when there isn't any whoppie, or cuddling. They just seem comforted by your being there. I may not understand it, but then I don't have to.

Also, only getting an hours sleep before going to work, "cause the game was good", is just NUTS! If you make more money at work, then that is where you focus should be, if you make more at poker, then why bother with a job.

If you love your wife (as I believe most men do), then you should not consider her an opposite just because she thinks you should come to bed - when in fact, you should.


12-27-2003, 01:21 AM
My girlfriend is really understanding about it. She knows that poker is work for me, and just asks if I'm coming to bed. If I say no that's the end of it. I make an effort to get to bed "on time" 3 or 4 nights a week.

12-27-2003, 02:20 AM
!00% with priorities.

Mine is okay with it but I usually only play one night a week with an occasional three day in a row streak. I play B&M so she isn't privy to the ups and downs during the game so that is a big difference for me.

I am sure if I played online she would want me to stop as soon as I was one BB up. Being married many years, I think you might give in half the time plus a few more for good measure. The game is always there for you online and your marriage should come before poker.

12-27-2003, 06:06 AM
Hi pretender,
Isn't it hilarious how you asked if people were in a long term relationship, and you got a bunch of posts advising you on how to conduct yourself in YOUR marriage and job?
Do what works for you. I personally play for a living, love to stay up later than my wife regardless, and it does cause some friction (she'd like me to go to bed at the same time as her, and sometimes worries if I am at a B&M throughout the night). In our case, we both try to compromise: I go to bed at a reasonable hour as often as I can stand it, and she doesn't give me a hard time about playing very late even though she worries about me. For us, the plusses of the lifestyle outweigh the minuses.
I'm originally from Madison, by the way, and I was just recently thinking about how all of the successful pros I know there are long-time bachelors. The exceptions I can think of are Dewey W. and myself (not that I'm as successful as him). This tells me to be especially mindful of my relationship.