View Full Version : Okay, CJ, here's a slowplay that worked

12-21-2003, 12:56 AM
loose online 3-6 stud game, .50 ante, $1 bring in. One limper to me, with a 9 in the door and I complete to 3 with (KK) 6. Only the limper calls. He's new to the table and short stacked. On fourth street, I catch (KK) 6K. I check, he checks. On fifth I catch an 8, he has xx 947. I bet, he calls. Sixth street, I pair my door card 6, making my house. He catches an 8. I check, he checks. River, I bet, he raises, I three bet he calls. Obviously, kings full is good. Keys to my choices: it was head up (I know you said this is the exception) , probably weak player with not very scary cards and my hand is ultra strong. I think there's a good chance he'd have folded if I bet fourth. And any bets I missed, I got back on the river, yes?

Andy B
12-21-2003, 01:02 AM
I suspect that you left money on the table. Maybe he would have called on fourth, and maybe he would have called on sixth. Maybe he made something on the river and would have raised you anyway. I would have found your fourth street check suspicious, since you should be betting here about every time. Ditto sixth street when you hit your door card.

12-21-2003, 02:19 AM
I agree with Andy that the check on 4th looks very strange. About the only hand you can have is trip kings here.

If this guy was bad enough to give you action after you announced to the world what you held, he probably would have called you on 4th and 6th.

12-21-2003, 05:36 AM
Hi again,

Why not bet 6th?? That 8 was a great card for him to catch. If he picked up a draw,and that card could of easily given him one, he is going to call. Thereby if he misses the draw you at least pick up one bet on 6th. If he doesn't make anything on river, you aren't going to get anything.

I don't have too many problems with the check on 4th, given this particualar game and situation. But remember one thing...in any sort of even moderately tough game, a check in that spot will look very suspicious.( given your 3rd street raise )

Glad you took it down.


P.S. - Send me a private note when you are planning on going up to FW next. ( as we discussed ) Later

12-21-2003, 10:58 PM
Sixth the key was that I paired my door, otherwise I would have bet. But the fourth street check is very likely best here -- most of you guys play higher. In those games the max bet is very likely best. But in these games, guys call with nothing and will then fold when they get more nothing on fourth. When you've got a pair of kings, you're fine with that. But when you've got trips...you want them to stay in. And many of these opponents think your aggessive play with draws etc. means you are a "bluffer", so when you check in a "suspicious" situation, they just think "aha, he probably doesn't have much". Then they pick up some crap draw or low two pair and call you down. Or the worst possible thing happens for them (as here) they make their second best hand and lose even more.

12-21-2003, 11:30 PM
Hi again,

Sixth the key was that I paired my door, otherwise I would have bet.[i]

Wheather or not you paired your doorcard is irrelevant! Unless you have some specific reason to give a free card on 6th( perhaps a jackpot consideration or other promotional means )..........................if you are heads-up on 6th with a 'bettin' hand'. You BET IT!!! There is absolutely NO reason to check..the biggest reason being the one I mentioned in the last post. PARTICULARLY in the lower limit games where most players aren't really thinking about your hands but their own. I read Andy's response and I think he sums it up nicely by saying you are 'leaving' bets behind.

[i] But the fourth street check is very likely best here -- most of you guys play higher.

In this instance, like I said in my last post, I don't have too many problems with. SO LONG as you don't ALWAYS are seen with raising with high pairs. IF thats only what you do ( or have been seen doing ),then even a NOVICE player will pick up on it. But if you are correctly raising with lots-o-hands, then its a fine play. ( and why you ask, cause when you are raising with a variety of hands,you are more prone to checking 4th anyways.......and it looks more 'natural' )

Happy Holidays!!!!


DISCLAIMER---- In regards to the first portion of my post, there are actually some instances to check on 6th ( assuming your opponent will actually bet ),but they don't apply to this discussion. MY above discussion is assuming a similar opponents board to the one discussed. /images/graemlins/tongue.gif

12-22-2003, 08:37 PM
I agree on 4th, if I raise 3rd I always bet 4th barring something real scary like an ace paired door card.
