View Full Version : a funny dealer's line

04-24-2002, 02:55 PM
this happened the other night. i was on a different table, but there was a lull in sound, and this came out real clear...

one of the more colorful dealers *with good judgement skill* was at the front table. an older, conservative couple came in and the woman asked about the game. the dealer not missing a beat says, "its just like the game you play at home, but you get to keep your clothes on."

everyone laughed, even the couple. it was too funny. especially the initial look on the womans face.

that 1 line and reaction to it also seemed to loosen up some tension in the whole room.

great timing...


04-24-2002, 04:00 PM
The funniest thing I ever heard was from a boxman at a boiling hot crap table at Fitzgerald's in Vegas. A high roller had the dice, and he was burning up the table. After about 12 or 15 numbers, the shooter picks the dice up with both hands. Of course, this is a big no no in the casino. The box comes up out of his chair, and he tells the guy, "One hand sir; just like at home!!!!"

The best part of the story was that the shooter laughed; everybody else laughed, and the shoot lasted another 20 minutes... lol.

Good luck all,


04-25-2002, 12:17 AM

Great story. I like it when a dealer makes thoughtful and witty banter between hands but otherwise does his job. But I believe Mason disagrees. Hope he reads this and has time to comment.



04-25-2002, 06:41 AM
Some dealers sit down in the same way that Mick Jagger walks on stage.

04-25-2002, 08:03 AM
wild, but the dealer...gl