View Full Version : Do As I Say, Not as I Do...........

Dr Wogga
12-16-2003, 04:40 PM
....hmmmmm, can only be referring to that men among men, that lion of Iraq, saddaam. Let me see if I can remember fairly closely a line from a speech: "Oh Iraqis,fight the infidels, the occupiers, with your minds, your hearts your blood." And so his sons and grandson died fighting the Americans, but did HE?????????? Oh no!! Not [censored]-in-his-pants saddaam - not him. He's ready to bargain to save his skin. We are going to get so much information from this yellow-bellied mass of cyrus-jelly, it is going to really quicken the amount of time before we can get our troops home. This is going to prove more of a Bonanza than Lorne Green's horse schlong (little adult humor for my man Brad /images/graemlins/ooo.gif). So when the Pope comes on the TV and abhors the treatment of yellow-bellied saddaam - likens it to being treated as a cow - just remember this coward is being milked and is just giving up his generals and fedayeen, along with their families.

Don't think for 1 minute this wasn't a great, great CHRISTmas present for our allies and the great U.S.A. This IS wonderful. And just to make sure our CHRISTmas wishes are heard by all: eff france, germany, russia, canada, iran, syria, north korea, and all who oppose our great nation and its even greaterleader. Hah.........suck on that Bush-haters /images/graemlins/smirk.gif

12-16-2003, 05:42 PM
"...and all who oppose our great nation and its even greaterleader."

Do you think maybe this should be switched to "...all who oppose our great leader and our even greater nation."--?

Dr Wogga
12-17-2003, 09:05 AM
....the country of Iraq will 1 day be a great nation. A beacon of hope in the most effed-part of the globe - of course the middle East. Getting rid of the left's idol saddaam will spur a more moderate climate. It will also cause the terror sponsor states of syrias and irans to stick out more & more and (hopefully) one day we blow them off the god-damned map.

Hey, has anybody noticed that the scumbag french & germans are now in "Debt-Forgiveness Mode?" Apparently they want to barter their Iraq debt down to (hopefully) 50 cents on a dollar, 40 cents on a dollar, etc. Do you think this would have occurred if we didn't have a leader with a pair of man-sized BALLS???(little below the belt reference for my man Brad) Do you think this would have occurred if we had the "Oh, can't we all just get along" now that we've done the dirty work, had our kids killed, dug deep into our pockets" and other rodney king-type ideals so espoused by the cyber-sniper crowd? I seriously doubt it.

Take that again Bush-bashers /images/graemlins/grin.gif

12-17-2003, 10:49 AM
they should forget about all outstanding loans! it's not fair to make a country pay for its dictator's loans.

12-17-2003, 10:57 AM
It's also not fair to not receive money you lent in confidence.

Come up with a solution, then we'll hear you.

12-17-2003, 11:10 AM
Hey man -- pass that reefer along.

12-17-2003, 11:24 AM
HAHAHA... Reefer?

What are you, a 60's police detective?

"The classic pothead is unaware of his surroundings and is a danger to you and your children"

I don't claim to know all that is hippie and drug culture, but I don't think the word reefer has been used since 1965.

On the other hand, you want weed, greens, nugs, chronic, or boo-ya, and I've got a nice shipment comin' in Monday. It ain't that dirty cess shwag you usually get in the States. This is some kind 'dro diggity dank stuff. It's pure chrons.

12-17-2003, 11:37 AM
the solution is: suck it up! it's only fair. how can you expect "the new iraq" to come up with the cash?

nicky g
12-17-2003, 11:59 AM
"how can you expect "the new iraq" to come up with the cash?"

Easy - it could resell its massive stocks of WMD that we went to war over.

12-17-2003, 02:47 PM
I suggest that, since the USA has so magnanimously granted Iraq a FREE GIFT of $67 BILLION for reconstruction costs etc., that France, Germany and Russia be expected to discount their loans/deals/credits to Iraq by an equivalent amount and then receive repayment on the rest of their debt in full. Oops, Iraq doesn't even owe them that much in total! I guess that means they get nothing.

Dr Wogga
12-17-2003, 03:02 PM
....what will you say when the coward of baghdad (with a little help from the Egyptian torturers I presume) gives away the dirt. We DO KNOW he had poison gas and other biological weapons - Exhibit A your honor, look at the mass graves of dead Kurds. Its not a quantum leap to think he had, or was in the process of having, nuclear or dirty bomb capability. Its going to come out Nicky, then you and the other Bush-haters can cry conspiracy. No matter whether we find them or not, you, like saddaam's daughter, will think the evidence doctored (or drugged?? or "reefered") and you'll go on the internet spouting your anti-american bull-sh%$it. Merry CHRISTmas anyway!

12-17-2003, 03:13 PM
I suggest that, since the USA has so magnanimously granted Iraq a FREE GIFT of $67 BILLION for reconstruction costs etc.

I somehow think this is not a gift, and it seems an awfully big number, what is the source of this. They will pay it back someway or another

that France, Germany and Russia be expected to discount their loans/deals/credits to Iraq by an equivalent amount and then receive repayment on the rest of their debt in full.

Maybe if some of their companies were allowed to compete in the reconstruction programs they would then be paid back in kind. Just like the $67 BILLION, sorry I meant the FREE GIFT.

Oops, Iraq doesn't even owe them that much in total! I guess that means they get nothing.

This will probably be what will happen. After all if you go bankcrupt the first creditor to be paid is always the most powerful - the IRS

12-17-2003, 03:16 PM
Yes it's a free gift--Congress wanted to make like 23 or 27 billion of it loans but Bush pushed for it all to be grants which is what I believe it is. BTW I thought all of it should have been loans since you know we the taxpayers are paying for it.

12-17-2003, 03:23 PM
This from the Washington Times

The overall bill spends about $67 Billion on replenishing the US military and continuing the global war on terrorism and $20.3 Billion on rebuilding Iraq.

Still a lot of money I grant you.

12-17-2003, 03:27 PM

Dr Wogga
12-17-2003, 08:01 PM
....make the IRS a country!!! Then there would be no money for the terrorists. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

12-18-2003, 02:35 AM
We know he had poison gas and other biological weapons because the Reagan administation sold them to him. Since he used them on the Kurds and the Iranis, there's no proof that he still has them.

So stop spouting your anti-Americanisms. Criticism of government policy is Americanism; accusing critics of anti-Americanism is Saddamism. You're just like him.

Shame on you.

Merry Christmas anyway.

12-18-2003, 02:42 AM
it was in the papers 8 million of it went to miami for the police brutality attack on the peaceful protesters there against the free trade area of the americas.

12-18-2003, 12:00 PM
What amazes me is that anyone thinks Saddam should be entitled to the benefit of the doubt in such matters.

Merry Christmas, nicky--when are you going? And how do you manage to post so much from work without getting in trouble? Hope you win a ton in AC...gl...

Dr Wogga
12-18-2003, 01:03 PM
...but I like it. Now as far as anti-americanism, I cannot remember 1 post, not 1, where nicky praised the great U.S.A., under the leadership of our great president George W. Bush. Certainly not fair and balanced, as even you might admit (on a day where your sugar or pH was off kilter) that there are some things we've done well. However, I, the good Doctor, am proud as punch you have decided to become nicky's spokesperson. Hope it pays better than McDonalds..... /images/graemlins/smile.gif

and Merry CHRISTmas to you as well. Can't root for the Yankees anymore, just can't bring myself to do it. George has just filled our once-proud clubhouse with trailer trash....

Dr Wogga
12-19-2003, 12:19 AM
....is that the vatican is so concerned about how we treat the murderer saddam, but where was the outspokeness about the victims of the pedophile priests and how a lot of these young men grew up very effed-up? No, the vatican is all about quietly settling for $$$ (maybe this is where jacko the wacko got the idea from?) while publicly grandstanding for a mass murderer and scum-of-the-earth par excellence. /images/graemlins/confused.gifhmmmmmmm, hard to be a catholic these days as well /images/graemlins/frown.gif

12-19-2003, 02:20 AM
...but I like it. Now as far as anti-americanism, I cannot remember 1 post, not 1, where nicky praised the great U.S.A., under the leadership of our great president George W. Bush. Certainly not fair and balanced, as even you might admit (on a day where your sugar or pH was off kilter) that there are some things we've done well. However, I, the good Doctor, am proud as punch you have decided to become nicky's spokesperson. Hope it pays better than McDonalds.....

You are a clown. You SERIOUSLY think everyone should think the US is great because we wiped out a dictator who we helped back through most of the 80's? Or that George "I needed time to find myself" Bush should really be referred to as our great leader?

Someone's been substituting their Zyprexa with speedballs again...

Dr Wogga
12-19-2003, 10:35 AM
......political friends are dependent on time, place, & circumstances. At the time we helped iraq, it was because iran had taken Americans hostage and was, at the point in time, viewed to be a bigger threat to world peace. Period. Perhaps you missed that, being so absorbed in your nightcap speedball. There are many examples of enemies coming together to fight on the same side. This is happening in the terrorist community today - 2 different types of muslims combining efforts. Hell, your buddy gore just turned on lieberman.

And YES, George W is a GREAT president, a GREAT leader. And you are..........well............... /images/graemlins/confused.gif.....dopey

12-19-2003, 12:53 PM
......political friends are dependent on time, place, & circumstances. At the time we helped iraq, it was because iran had taken Americans hostage and was, at the point in time, viewed to be a bigger threat to world peace. Period. Perhaps you missed that, being so absorbed in your nightcap speedbal
heck i can accedpt that. but why did US ship iraq stuff like anthrax, etc.? on that data point alone theres got to be more to it than that.

(alternate viewpoint, incredulous tone)- have you *seen* the markup on anthrax?!

12-19-2003, 03:43 PM
......political friends are dependent on time, place, & circumstances. At the time we helped iraq, it was because iran had taken Americans hostage and was, at the point in time, viewed to be a bigger threat to world peace. Period. Perhaps you missed that, being so absorbed in your nightcap speedball. There are many examples of enemies coming together to fight on the same side. This is happening in the terrorist community today - 2 different types of muslims combining efforts. Hell, your buddy gore just turned on lieberman.

And YES, George W is a GREAT president, a GREAT leader. And you are..........well............... /images/graemlins/confused.gif.....dopey

[/ QUOTE ]

So bloodthirsty dictators are ok to back as long as it is politically expedient to do so, huh? What a cheery holiday thought. Good thing it was in our best interests to help those Iraqi folks! Otherwise they still might have to worry about their relatives winding up in cement shoes at the bottom of the Euphrates River.
As far as the Iran/Iraq conflict, it might never have occurred if the US had allowed democracy to flourish there to begin with. Let me let you on to a little Iranian history. I'll make it brief.
The shah of Iran was overthrown (in part) because he was a bloody dictator who was backed by the US. One of the reasons he was able to keep power was because he had a brutal secret police force (called Savak) that terrorized all political opponents. He came to power as a result of a US-UK back overthrow of Iranian Premier Moussadeq, who was seen as a major threat not because of terrorism or fundamentalist Islam, but because he wanted to NATIONALIZE IRAN'S OIL INDUSTRY. The US and UK decided this should not be, and as they say, the rest is history.

I'll spare you the details of the rigged elections that took place in Turkey and Greece in the 40's and 50's.

I guess what it comes down to is that I don't take the chump cop-out that all US dealings are a matter of our leaders talking about "rights" and "democracy" for some situations, but taking the route of political expediency in others. I realize that often times political decisions are not black and white, but to sit back and simply wave your pompoms at the "white" decisions while ignoring the details of the murkier ones is poor citizenship, plain and simple.

As far as calling me "dopey", are you a real doctor? What exactly are you a doctor of? Where did you receive your PhD or MD? Or did you just order it from Sally Struthers?

Dr Wogga
12-19-2003, 07:56 PM
....Wogga-isms of course. No Sally Struthers model here, just the real deal /images/graemlins/smile.gif And no clown either, as your first personal attack stated.

Having said that, how do you and your liberal buddies deny that George W's great leadership when we see:
a) the economy booming after his tax cuts
b) a real-life clown like Qaddaffi agreeing to give up his WMDs and pay the 2+ $billion Pan Am settlements
c) scum-bag french, germans, & russian singing a little different tune after their "Cowboy" saddam (the chicken-sh !@ it) came out of his hole

How can you guys continue to deny that Bush's leadership is working. How can you continue to deny these things when the American public has Bush at around a 60% approval rating. No, uh-uh, no sirree, not you. YOU KNOW what's best for me & my family, in fact, I believe you think you KNOW EVERYTHING. But know this, from me to you, and in the spirit of the holidays - you're a bigger dope than I thought /images/graemlins/blush.gif

However, you still seem like a good dude and knoe I'm just yanking you. To be clear, I do truly believe Prez W is not only great for the USA, but for the world as well. And just the same, politics aside, Merry CHRISTmas!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

12-21-2003, 08:08 PM
....Wogga-isms of course. No Sally Struthers model here, just the real deal /images/graemlins/smile.gif And no clown either, as your first personal attack stated.

[/ QUOTE ]

Woggaisms? I must have missed that one when I was applying for residency training...probably somewhere between Psychiatry and the combined Internal Medicine/Geriatrics programs.

Having said that, how do you and your liberal buddies deny that George W's great leadership when we see:
a) the economy booming after his tax cuts
b) a real-life clown like Qaddaffi agreeing to give up his WMDs and pay the 2+ $billion Pan Am settlements
c) scum-bag french, germans, & russian singing a little different tune after their "Cowboy" saddam (the chicken-sh !@ it) came out of his hole

[/ QUOTE ]
a. I guess the whole deficit/debt isn't important to you because you figure your children will pay it off.

b. "The Colonel" hasn't been a major player in terrorism since the Reagan Days.

c. Iraq? Dude, the name of the terrorist game is Al Qaeda. Saddam was a diversion to try to get Bush Jr's ratings up. We are wasting all this time and energy on this guy when the real danger is still out there (have you noticed that our security color code is back up to Orange)?

How can you guys continue to deny that Bush's leadership is working. How can you continue to deny these things when the American public has Bush at around a 60% approval rating. No, uh-uh, no sirree, not you. YOU KNOW what's best for me & my family, in fact, I believe you think you KNOW EVERYTHING. But know this, from me to you, and in the spirit of the holidays - you're a bigger dope than I thought /images/graemlins/blush.gif

However, you still seem like a good dude and knoe I'm just yanking you. To be clear, I do truly believe Prez W is not only great for the USA, but for the world as well. And just the same, politics aside, Merry CHRISTmas!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not one to turn down compliments, even back handed ones. Happy holidays to you and yours as well. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Dr Wogga
12-22-2003, 12:54 AM
...never! I mean it -Merry CHRISTmas to you and yours. Never let politics or words written on a internet board get you so pissed. Then you'd be cyrus /images/graemlins/frown.gif Then, it would be back-handed /images/graemlins/mad.gif But, you're not he, so ipso-facto, half a bee, is said to be, phil-o-sophically, and must half, not be, so you cannot be Eric the Half-bee - or hetron the 1/2 bee, or whatever..........[apologies to Monty Python /images/graemlins/crazy.gif]. So really, Happy Holidays

12-22-2003, 10:04 AM
America is a great country because it does its best to honor the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Your adulation of Bush reminds me of the boot licking that Saddam's loyalists showed him.

Your attitudes are a clear lesson in how democracy is threatened by fascism and propaganda.

12-22-2003, 10:42 AM
"America is a great country because it does its best to honor the Constitution and the Bill of Rights."

I think it should do even more in this vein.

"Your adulation of Bush reminds me of the boot licking that Saddam's loyalists showed him."

Bush is doing a great job overall. He inherited a tough situation which was made tougher by the 9/11 attacks. He has risen to the occasion. His environmental stance does trouble me however, and I fear Ashcroft may be going too far.

I also suggest you try thinking more in analytical terms rather than so emotionally (you could then dispense with such inaccurate and misleading phrases as "boot licking").

"Your attitudes are a clear lesson in how democracy is threatened by fascism and propaganda."

I think our democracy is more threatened by the trend of increasing distancing from our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and by judicial activism which ignores or circumvents our Constitution/Bill of Rights. I also am concerned about any provisions of the Patriot Act which might ignore or circumvent our Constitution/Bill of Rights, although that subject is quite complex and I am insufficiently informed to render a definitive opinion on it.

12-22-2003, 10:46 AM
"a. I guess the whole deficit/debt isn't important to you because you figure your children will pay it off."

As Tom Haley has shown, the current debt or deficit level relative to GDP is not high by historical standards. Those who are portaying the debt or deficit in absolute terms are presenting a misleading picture.

12-22-2003, 11:15 AM