View Full Version : Betting Amounts

12-08-2003, 05:44 PM
I am aware that many different circumstances effect the way hands are played, betting etc I am looking for a "general rule of thumb" here and I know enough to adjust to the table conditions from there. I posted a question recently and received the answer I was looking for and now would like to post part two. My first question was how much to be betting before the flop and the answer was 2-4 times the big blind. (once again, I know that many conditions effect this but it was a good starting point).
My question now is what should you be betting after the flop? Do most of you still bet the 2-4 times the big blind which to me would indicate a weak bet because of the size of the pot, or would you bet a percentage of whats in the pot? How about fourth street? I know I am not giving alot of info such as hold cards etc. Thank you, Slacker

Kurn, son of Mogh
12-09-2003, 12:18 PM
Post-flop in a NL game the general bet size should be somewhere between 60% & 150% of the pot. But, of course, it depends on a variety of factors.

12-09-2003, 01:35 PM