View Full Version : Smoke in Card Rooms Killing Me

02-23-2002, 09:59 PM
I love to play poker but the smoke in card rooms absolutely drives me up the wall. My question is how did California get smoking banned in all the card rooms? I sure wish they would do that here in OR. I can't see it happening, though, I can see how even if all the nicotine addicts kept coming, it would hurt the game, rake and tokes because they'd always be leaving the table to go outside to "get their fix." I wouldn't mind this if it meant no smoke I had to inhale but I can't see how it would help the card rooms aside from not giving their employees cancer. But we all know businesses care more about the bottom line than the health of their employees.

Just wondering if anyone knew of a way to give this a nudge forward. I am sure in 50 years smoking will be banned in card rooms everywhere, not just CA, but in the meantime I have to play in the stuff. Thanks for any comments.


02-23-2002, 11:09 PM
As far as I know, smoking is banned in California card rooms because smoking is ILLEGAL in ALL public places in California.



02-24-2002, 03:15 AM
not only that, but if there is only one smoker, he will sit right by me and smoke with the hand closest to me..with ash tray between us...lol...clothes smell bad...gl

02-24-2002, 09:59 AM
Changes like this don't happen on their own and they usually don't happen quickly, but here are a couple of suggestions to "nudge forward". Start with your state legislature. Write to your representative with your concerns and encourage like-minded people to do the same. Take the issue up with the management of the card rooms. Write letters to the editor. Get petitions going. Good luck.

02-24-2002, 09:37 PM
Hi Tim,

It might be sooner than you think, Canterbury in Minesota went non-smoking at the tables last fall. I think it probably hurt them for about a month or so, but now it seem that there business is going as well as before. People can still smoke in the bar, and sometimes smokers take a quick break there, and run back for the next hand.

I certainly enjoy being able to play, and not coming home smelling like an ashtray.

You might try contacting canterbury and see if they have any information about their nonsmoking policy that your club might use.

Good luck,

Bob T.

02-26-2002, 10:32 AM
I understand that Soaring Eagle in Michigan is going non-smoking March 1.