View Full Version : Dudya 's Surpise!

Drunk Bob
11-28-2003, 07:03 AM
Oh well.

How many Million did this cost.

If he took a ride around Iraq in a Hummer it may have been worth it.

Flying into the airport,serving turkey and not even eating any.

come on ! I think you need new thinkers!

11-29-2003, 07:10 AM
To deny that this was one very well conceived and executed move is to deny reality. Bush and his people pulled off (a) a great political coup in American politics, (b) a grand geste in international politics, a first for Dubya, (c) a strong P.R. coup for the war's "just and moral cause" in the face of mounting worldwide impatience and dissatisfaction with it, (d) a severe blow to enemy morale, through demonstrating that their ultimate enemy can enjoy such freedom of movement in the battlefield (spare me the details), and (e) a strengthening of the American troops' morale, with some incremental boost to the "coalition's" troops' morale, as well.

All in all, 10 out of 10 for planning, timing and execution.

Just watch the approval ratings now of the g#dda&% moth$&f@#*%$#!!..

11-29-2003, 12:43 PM
On his return he is reported to have told papa that his plan to help the Iraqi people is working. All the people he met looked like and behaved just like good ol' American boys.