View Full Version : a question about kill pots? what are they?

01-25-2002, 02:50 PM
where i play, they dont have many kill pot games that ive seen. i was wondering how it works. i read that if you win a pot you then post a double Big blind. but does that mean its 2 bets to come in if your to the left or right of the guy posting the kill? in effect making a 4 4 8 8 table a 8 4 8 8 table?

just want some info in case i end up playing a game with a kill?

thanks in advance...


01-25-2002, 03:37 PM

01-25-2002, 04:31 PM
There are two general types of kill pots. Full and half kill. In both situations when the kill is triggered (often by winning two pots in a row of sufficient size) then the entire game changes structure.

A 4-8 game with a half kill would turn into a 6-12 (6-6-12-12) game while the kill was on and the "killer" would have to post a $6 blind.

A 4-8 (8-8-16-16) game with a full kill would turn into an 8-16 game while the kill was on and the "killer" would have to post a $8 blind.

01-25-2002, 09:23 PM
so it only happens when someone wins 2 in a row then? ok...and basically it doubles the structure all the way through> from 4-8 to 8-16. i take it, it stays until that player loses a pot then...

thanks for the response...
