View Full Version : Starting Hands?

01-11-2002, 09:52 PM
I have the book "Hold 'Em Poker" by David Sklansky and he has a table of starting hands ranked 1-72. He doen't reference any computational study that the table was based on. Do computer generated rankings not exist for hold'em/poker or are they just not used for some reason? I am wondering if the table is worth memorizing, being based on anecdotal evidence.

So my question is - is this the best type of rankings I will find?

Here are the first 3 groups

1 AA

2 KK

3 QQ

4 JJ

5 AKs

6 TT

7 AQs

8 AJs

9 KQs

10 AK

11 99

12 JTs

13 QJs

14 KJs

15 ATs

16 AQ

01-11-2002, 10:15 PM
Here's a link to a computer simulation of Hold'em starting hands.


01-12-2002, 03:53 PM
Is it not possible that Sklansky's rankings are better because of human error. For example people irrationally fold AQs more than JJ which makes JJ higher in real life. Also maybe how tight the game is played makes a difference. I just want to be absolutely sure that this ranking is the best because I already memorized half of Sklansky's rankings.



01-12-2002, 08:49 PM
you'll make your own "chart" in due course but here's another for your interest:


01-14-2002, 04:30 AM
Here is another one:
