View Full Version : A funny 2+2 encounter

12-13-2001, 09:52 AM
I went to the Oaks club tonight to play some limit hold'em, a rare event for me.

While sitting at the 6-12 table, a friend came up to me and asked "hey nate, how's it going?".

After a brief chit-chat, he left. Another player right next to me asks.... "do you ever go by the name natedogg?".

I reluctantly admit yes. After a minute or so he says: "You post better than you play".


I couldn't believe it! Here's the kicker. I had been playing at that table for over an hour and I had not yet shown a hand! In fact, I hadn't dragged a single pot in over 90 minutes, much less shown a single hand. I still can't figure out what his judgement was based on. He might be a prodigy. Because he was almost certainly right.

Regardless, it was some of the best smack ever dished out to me. And, for the record, I left the game with a $150 in profit.

To my new friend, if you're reading this, I like your style. It was good to meet you. And that was a damn funny line. /images/smile.gif


12-13-2001, 10:39 AM

I have also "heard" this same comment about you after you left an online game.

12-13-2001, 11:54 AM
I was watching you play 2-4 at UltimateBet yesterday Nate, saw you win a large-ish pot when a guy steadfastly ignored the obvious signs that you had trip 10's.

It's quite nice that the online poker world gradually develops a sort of community feel as you get to know players and who they are in some cases.

I didn't watch for long as I got called to my no-limit table... where I got filleted inside ten minutes thanks to (a) calling a large bet with pocket aces that I just couldn't bring myself to lay down, and (b) one player making 4-outer full houses twice against my nut flushes. Ouch.

Not secure enough to say what my nickname is yet!

12-13-2001, 02:41 PM
well I'm wrong again----had been thinking that you must play better than you post!

ha, ha

12-13-2001, 03:39 PM
"You post better than you play".

i bet this is a true of a lot of us. i know it's true of me and i dont even post very well a lot of the time. it's much easier to come up with the very best play of a hand when youre not sitting at the table in the heat of the moment, having to put your own money on the line.

12-14-2001, 10:49 AM

There is one likely candidate for someone that would post alot better than they play. That is someone with slower thinking ability. In a post, you can go away and think for a while, but at the table these decisions are usually much quicker.

So a slow thinking deep thinker would come up with better answers here than perhaps a faster thinking less intelligent person. But with time and experience, this should become less important.

Of course there are all kinds of personality traits that are important as well, including not well researched (with regards to poker) interrelationships based on social structure. For example, a smart, nerdy person might come up with great answers on the forum, but feel intimidated at the table facing less knowledgable but more socially adept opponents. Of course, that's also pretty stereotypical, and I should be chastised /images/smile.gif

The interesting thing, is for a slower thinker to be able to train themselves to think more quickly in poker or other more important endeavours.

By the way, the above is not intended to apply to you personally. They are general comments.


12-14-2001, 12:28 PM

Do you ever play at LC in Colma? I like the 6-12 games there. Last time I was at the Oaks I had to wait 2 hours for a table (they only had one going) and then I was just too impatient when I played and lost most of a rack.

I'm playing in the limit tournament tomorrow at LC, that's why I ask.