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View Full Version : Playing Top Two...

12-09-2001, 09:34 PM
I flopped top two 4 times last night. I had a great night, as you would expect. However, I would like feedback on how well I played 3 of the hands.

First hand I limp early with AsJs. another limp, then a raise by a pretty tight old man, some cold callers, and the blinds call. 7 players.



checked to me, i check, preflop raiser bets(A-K or A-Q probable), player immediately after him raises, 2 cold call, I 3-bet, all call.

I wanted to trap the field by having the pre-flop raiser drive them into me. I hadn't decided whether to raise the flop or turn, but once it had been raised and all those players in I decided to get my money in, especially with all the boadway/straight possibilities out there. Comments?

Next hand:

I limp early with Ac9c.

many players in, button raises, blinds + limpers call.



checked to me, I bet, couple call, button hits it, blind cold calls, two drop, I 3-bet, all rest call. 5-ways for 3 bets.


Last one:

T-7o in big blind.

bunch of limpers.



I check, checked to late guy who usually bets and he does, button raises, I 3-bet shutting out most of the field, both call, 3-way for 3 bets.


Which of these hands, if any, would you guys consider waiting until the turn to come alive? Are you more likely to jam a two-flush flop or a rainbow flop? How do you feel about waiting until the turn in the 2 flush hands to charge the draws 2 double bets as large underdogs?

Any other comments? All three held up, I am just curious.

12-09-2001, 10:05 PM
Only on the first hand might it have been better to try to check raise on the turn IMO. There are enough people showing strength that a bet will likely come again on the turn. On the T7 hand you risk it getting checked through so I like the 3 bet witht the intention of leading on the turn. Also you probably should raise early with your AJs and A9s before the flop.


12-10-2001, 12:37 AM