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11-14-2003, 11:48 AM

11/14/2003 Entry: "GEORGE BUSH - THE WORLD'S BIGGEST f*** UP - EVER by voxfux"


GEORGE BUSH - "The Worlds Biggest f*** Up - Ever"
The Destruction of America Continues
by voxfux

Undoubtedly George W. Bush is the worst f***-up in the entire history of f***-ups. Never in US history has there been a politician who has so completely, devastated the economy of the United States and imperiled so many future generations of American citizens as this war profiteering scum, George W. Bush.
Never in the history of the world can one find a single world figure who was as blustering and blundering an idiot as this colossally blundering retard, George W. Bush.
In fact even Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin ladin have never proven to be as incredibly inept to the point of near certifiable retardation as the globally hated retard, George W. Bush.
Try to name just ONE SINGLE THING in George W. Bushes ENTIRE LIFE that he didn't completely f***-up. You cannot. And do you know why? Because there has never been a single venture or business or political office or anything in his life in which he has done anything other than completely f*** it up.

Starting in 1975 when Osama Bin Laden's older brother Saleem financed the young George Bush in his very first business with his very own oil company, Arbusto Energy Inc. Which the young Bush promptly drained of all it's cash and drove straight into the ground while extracting delirious profits for himself, to the present day where he exhibits the same pattern of sneaking in, then looting and driving the thing straight into the ground - George Bush is consistent about one thing - He f***s things up big time, and loses money for everyone else, yet extracts delerious profits for himself and key buddies of his. It's what the Bushes are designed to do - it is all they have ever done.

George Bush Jr. was designed from the beginning to f*** up, and f*** up BIG TIME and rip everyone off - and cash in. Oh there is one other f***-up who comes in a close second place to Bush Jr. His dad. Remember that f***-up? He's the f*** up who didn't finish the job in Iraq the first time. He's the f*** up who thought that it would be a great idea to not harm Saddam - presumably so that his retarded son could come along years later and have have another four year stint at US Treasury looting AND STILL NOT GET SADDAM - just like his dad did.

HOLY [censored] - THESE TWO GUYS ARE THE WORLDS TWO BIGGEST f***-UPS EVER. Hands down. No competition.

But wait a second though - These two f***ing reptiles are both descendants from Prescott Bush, who it took an act of Congress to get to stop HELPING THE NAZI WAR EFFORT.
And remember this - ONCE A NAZI, ALWAYS A NAZI.

But wait there's more...

Apparently the ELITE secret society that is at the core of the Bush family, the Secret Scull and Bones Society, was founded on money from Americas largest OPIUM TRAFFICKING SYNDICATE.
It was founded by the Connecticut opium trafficking kingpin William Harrison Russell in 1832. And considering George Bushes Sr. sneaky sociopathic yuppiesque history it becomes very suspicious considering his nick name for decades - "Poppy."

Just what, "Poppy" really means considering the history of Bush, the origins of their fortunes and their contempt for the law and their elitist daring to thumb their nose at all but the elite few, should have raised alarm bells long ago. But there is no one to investigate them. For George Bush Senior, being the Director of Central Intelligence, then Vice President, then President - there is simply no one who can even touch him.

But thank god that as every generation proceeds these Bushes, like all spoiled little shits, are getting dumber and dumber and more pathetic with each passing generation. Now, it seems they are all alcoholics and/or drug attics. Lets hope they finish themselves off. But we will probably not be so lucky.

Americans must storm the White House with massive waves of protest - Unrelenting protest day and night, unceasing and unyielding, until the White House is surrounded day and night and we demonstrate to the world that the American people are very definitely not united with this murderous war profiteering scum - This little sociopathic daddies boy.

And then we need to turn our enmity to the scum in the US media who forced little retard on us, for it is the scum in the US media who might actually be most to blame for opening the gates to this human scum.

And remember this, there are companies out there with names like Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Grumman, Carlyle, Bechtel, Wackenhut and many others who will KILL AMERICANS who get in the way of the Bushes. These companies are lethal killing machines and they LOVE the Bushes. The Bushes have a long term plan of terror and theft of power that I fear will last many generations to come. And these power hungry terrorists will always find eager accomplices in these military, intelligence and defense corporations who will execute strategic terror attacks on Americans so that once again a Bush can step up to be a hero and, "protect us." - Then loot the treasury as usual.

This f***in' retard, Bush, thought he could loot BOTH the US treasury AND the oil-fields of Iraq - achieving a pirate's double whammy. Well he was right about the US Treasury. And it's a job well done. The entire wealth of this nation has been looted from the US Treasury and transfered to a few key industrialists linked to his dad, George Sr.

But boy did this f***-up, (George Jr.) f*** up big time and miscalculate thinking he and his buddies could cash in and loot the oil fields of Iraq as well as the US Treasury. It looks like it's not going to happen. Looks like he f***ed up just like his dad did over a decade ago. There's no way that Bush and his team of oil looters could loot those oil fields when practically every man woman and child (Freedom Fighters) are firing rocket propelled grenades at the looters. It's one thing for this [censored] Bush and his daddies pet reptile, Rumsfeld, to pay their old buddies down at the Hill and Knowleton public relations firm (Lie firm) to hire some poor shiite kids to throw flowers at the troops during carefully orchestrated staged media fake outs with the cooperation of CNN and all the other American Lie News organizations in order to FAKE OUT the American people into a feel good mood to trick us into thinking that we are "Liberators" (While Bush and his dad would presumably be 'Liberating" Iraq of it's oil wealth). But when the reality sets in that it was all a trick and that the looting plan failed what should the penalty to George and his f***in' evil father be for all the US blood spilled and all this American wealth wasted on their little "fake out?"

I believe we need to start talking about punishment for George W. Bush and his father. I believe we need to start talking in terms of a trial for TREASON.

It is important to remember this fact: That re-election is not so important to the Bushes - it never has been. For, the Bushes have always known that they could accomplish their real objective (which is to plunder the US Treasury through the provocation of a few key middle east wars.) in only one term. But now with the windfall kickbacks from that 87 billion in place coupled with those NEW AND IMPROVED REPUBLICAN MANUFACTURED ELECTRONIC VOTING MACHINES INSTALLED THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY re-election is even less of a concern - It is a sure thing. But one has to ask themselves why would Bush want another term - there will soon be nothing left to steal from the American people. They have already sucked this generation dry and two future generations as well.

The real objective all along is and always was: to get at the money in the US Treasury. For that is the prize above all others. For the US treasury is the biggest treasure on the plant earth...

Well, not anymore.

And it would be one thing if that money was looted to build infrastructure here in America or to build and expand the information superhighway so that we can finally learn the truth about reality and free ourselves from the archaic communications modalities of the TV paradigm, which reduces populations to fearful obese shitheads cowering under the very filth who exploits them, completely obliterating their mind, body and spirit all under the shallow pathetic rubric of "The Free Market."

But instead all of Americas wealth was transfered to Bushes dad's buddies in the defense industry and wasted spent bombing wedding parties in foreign countries and blowing of the arms and legs of little children in Iraq and Afghanistan and earning the hatred of the entire planet, and causing PERMANENT damage to America's credibility, stature and future. And even though there is a total blackout, by the scum of the American Media, of the images of this American caused holocaust and this reality of a world united against America, this is not the case everywhere else. Everywhere else, the photographs of the little children who's arms and legs have been blown off, or whose, whose lives have been snuffed out, are on the FRONT PAGE. Bush and his gang of treasury looters and war profiteers pseudo (fake) religious scumbags, have used the wealth of this once great nation to piss off the entire planet. America is now HATED throughout the world and your taxpayers' dollars paid for it. And your American media (scum) made it a reality by keeping the truth about what is really happening buried beneath a mountain of lies, lies, lies. America has become a lie, at least the official America. Everything on the television is a lie. And all the major newspapers are lies.

Someday if it is ever possible to clean the current scum from the White House our problems with the Bushes will not be over. For as long as ANY male progeny of George Bush Sr. is alive and breathing air, America will be under the threat of the terrorist schemes of the military, intelligence and defense industrialists. For there is no other family in America who is such an attractive magnet for evil than the Bushes. No other family name can symbolize and represent the evil military, intelligence and defense industrialists so fully and completely than the name Bush. These industrialist profiteers will never rest until they suck every last drop of blood from every man woman and child in America. And when these lizards have sucked each and every American dry, the sucking will still not stop there. For these lizards represent the very purest form of evil anywhere on the planet earth - they will suck on every dog and cat and rat and tree and rock and river and mountain and any and all things that move or don't move and they will keep sucking and sucking until they consume and obliterate the earth. They are not human beings - They are the very essence of evil. Until George Bush the senior is in his grave, and unless George Jr. is in prison, the United States is forever in jeopardy of continued inside terrorist attacks. So we must unrelentingly track and follow every single male and female offspring of the Bushes. Their activities and whereabouts must be microscopically scrutinized. The Bushes represent the masthead of all that is evil in the United States of America. Remove the Bushes from the scenario and America goes a long way towards healing and getting back on track.

Know your enemy
Fight the big fight
Smash the TV
And get the f*** off your knees


Viewer Commentary: 11 comments


What's the penalty for treason? Hmm. Good thing Bush believes in that penalty.

Posted by sammy @ 11/14/2003 02:22 AM EST


The Poppy reference is a startling revelation. There is a certain arrogance among these Bush types who think they are imbued with a carte blanche ticket to do whatever they want. Bush knew full well that because he is from Texas that if anyone ever made the Opium connection to his nick name that he could easily write it off as more meaning it was the spanish vernacular "poppy" But to those in the elite and in the CIA who have a VERY REAL history of illicit drug trafficing this double entendre would not go unnoticed. Like you say, Vox, it is a very real thumbing of the nose at the world. There is no doubt that under the taliban, opium production came to a halt, but since Bush and his CIA entered the region, Afghanistan has had the BIGGEST CROP OF OPIUM IN IT'S HISTORY. Looks like the CIA and the Bushes will have more campaign war chest money then might ever dream of.

Great work Vox! Keep connecting the dots and exposing these monsters.

Posted by IntelQ @ 11/14/2003 02:33 AM EST


"It took an act of Congress to stop helping the Nazi war effort"
Even that didn't stop him.
"After the seizures in late 1942 of five US enterprises he managed on behalf of Nazi industrialist Fritz Thyssen, Prescott Bush, the grandfather of President Geoge W Bush, failed to divest himself of more than a dozen "enemy national" relationships that continued until as late as 1951, newely discovered US> government documents reveal.
furthermore, the records show that bush and his colleagues routinely attempted to conceal their activities from government investigators.....
At the same time Bush and the Harrimans were profiting from their Nazi partnerships, W. Averell was serving as President Franklin Delano Roosevelts Personal emmisssary to the United Kingdom during the toughest years mof the war...."
John Buchanan and Stacey Michael. the New Hampshire Gazette 11-10-3

Posted by charlie @ 11/14/2003 03:28 AM EST


I agree that the upcoming election will be a complete wash-out because of the completely f***ed voting machine scam. The ONLY way to possibly expose the stolen vote will be exit polls. When there's RADICAL OPPOSITION to exit polling then it will be ABSOLUTELY crucial that exit polling be done. Exit polls that completely don't add up to voting machine results might get [censored] happening.

Posted by GREATWHITE @ 11/14/2003 04:16 AM EST


You are right. Bush & family are evil incarnate. I have never seen so much malevolence, arrogance and stupidity condensed in one place at one time.
The portion of amerika that is still popping the 'blue pill' needs to wake up & get off their knees ( quit worshipping satan- I.E. Bush & the other demonic side kicks- Limburger, O Really & Rumps failed...)
How can any human being look at his lieing face,and his soul-less eyes and not shudder in horror? Personally I am so repulsed by him that I want to hurl everytime I see his MORONIC face. He is hideous,from the inside out. It starts at his heartless chest & permeates his whole being. Every tyrant before him looks like a choirboy, relatively speaking.
Bush does not even qualify as a man. Real men have courage & character. He has nothing resembling these. He is MONSTER.
He is BEAST.
There are not adequate adjectives to describe this exceeding malevolence. He has not only destroyed amerika. He is destroying the whole world. He is like a vampire, with endless gluttony & greed. He will not stop until he's drained every living thing, and until he runs out of victims. Like the parasite that he is... he will not stop until the host is destroyed. ( I.E. Amerika & the world)

Why can't assholes like him get killed by lightning... Or corinary heart disease? Can't blame me for dreaming.

I agree with the person who posted in another thread... it looks like a good time to leave amerika.

Posted by Truth @ 11/14/2003 09:41 AM EST


Leave America? And go where? They mean for global enslavement for Christ sakes! Where are you planning to go? The moon?

Bush AND his daddy are traitors extra-ordinaire. They are "UNARRESTABLE" because of the legions of dupes in the "grand armee of the republic" they have decieved.

They are WORSE than War Criminals, if you can imagine that. They are WAR CRIMINALS that cannot be CHARGED because NO ONE WILL.

To the ruling elite, they are DARLINGS. To you and me, they are TRAITORS who are ABOVE THE LAW. They put you and me in box to play, while they play outside the box.

In other words, we have to abide by the law, while they don't have to worry about such trivial matters as THE LAW.

Bush needs a heart-attack, but then I think of Cheyney and GASP - I'm not sure which is worse.

Posted by Publicus Patronus Patria @ 11/14/2003 10:05 AM EST


What's the penalty for treason? Hmm. Good thing Bush believes in that penalty.


yep, should put him into a gas chamber, or would a concentrationcamp do better ?

There is not such a thing as treason in the land of free.

but as I see things land of free does not mean USA. redneck

Posted by Finn. @ 11/14/2003 10:07 AM EST


hi vox,

please tell us how you REALLY FEEL
about this f***-up?:)

Posted by jhf @ 11/14/2003 10:19 AM EST



just in case your reader's may not have caught the story about the woman in texas that had a lawsuit against the f***-up for rape...she was found dead from a bullet wound to the head the other day...interesting tid-bit: on Oct. 25th, mother of the f***-up, barbara bush told larry king in an interview basically that anyone criticizing her family will be KILLED! read it for yourself on larry king. she is obviously a woman of her word!

Posted by jhf @ 11/14/2003 10:27 AM EST


Well, I agree with everything.
Ive seen the comin storm for many years now and am prepared for the worst. What makes me even MORE upset is explaining this to people in a normal conversation and I get no where. I read it online, but in the "normal world" Im a weirdo.
It boggles my mind that Americans are SO dumb they cant see through the lies.
So, I ask, what will it take? I dont know, vote? Na..didnt work last time cause the winner isnt President. I think it might take something horrible to happen.
Cant even go into specifics cause you never know whos reading the email nowadays...
aliens, WW3? Thats already happening just with no nukes...
everyone is fighting.
Jesus? If ye have faith..whatever...if he's there,
I think its time to visit. I look at the candidates and see no real hope. I look for someone who will stand up and say hey, you know what, this isnt working anymore, too much grey area. Lets get black & white.Lets take a step back. A. Get rid of our dependency of oil...sounds hard but if we can put men into space we can run an engine off of vegtable oil. B. With the DNA forensics nowadays, if you kill, rape or touch a little kid...and there is DNA evidence...your dead...empty siringe, blow some good ole air into your blood system and watch you die. Cheap too, just pick em off the beach.
C. Legalize drugs...everyone is doin it anyways and this administrations family has impoted it for generations. Just tax it...if you wanna OD out on heroin in an apartment..no sweat off my back. Spend the money on education.
D. Social Security..yeah thats what I want to do is give $200 a week to some stranger in wherever....oh my granmother...thats where my money is goin? Well, where is the health care? thats all they need the $$ for anyways...sorry that was bad...Im rambling and pissed and dont have an answer and ready for a sign.
We can write papers on what is wrong about this country and threaten revolution but whos gonna start it?
Me?...thinkin bout it....after all
I live in the state that started it the last time...

Posted by Dogmonsta @ 11/14/2003 10:34 AM EST


As an expat in Europe for ten years, I can tell you that you're right about the American government (but not Americans) being hated. There was an outpouring of love for us after 9-11 - it was beautiful, man. Now that's all gone.

Plus, we Americans abroad who speak out against the Bush Gang are being monitored by "consular officials" from our own embassies - CIA goons filming us on demos and phoning us at stupid times to ask dumb questions about our "loyalties." God knows what sort of information they're trying to gather - I'm just an ordinary guy doing an ordinary job.

A friend from Pasadena who spoke out in Sweden and Spain had three weeks of death threats before the illegal invasion of Iraq - and what do you know, they were traced to a US military installation in Germany. AmeriKans sypying on Americans abroad.

So much for the "Land of Freedom." My country is becoming a fascist-communist dictatorship in all but name. I won't be returning to the States any time soon.

Keep up the fight against this unelected "President" and his treasonous, unamerican and Satanic administration.

Posted by American Expat @ 11/14/2003 10:35 AM EST

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