View Full Version : Meditation and Poker?

10-28-2003, 04:46 AM
I was reading the Time magazine last weekend and they had a feature about maditation. I won't go into too much detail, but they have looked into the scientific and medical proofs that meditation works.
The most interesting conclusions they arrived to (for me) were
1) Meditation decreases your stress levels, and it takes a lot more to make you stressed. This might be the ultimate solutions for steaming? You start to see bad beats as what they are, pure statistics, and don't get steamed?
2) Meditation makes you more aware of what's happening around you. So we can be more aware of what's going on in the table and get better reads on the opponents?

Maybe I should give it a try.

10-28-2003, 05:04 AM
Check out Jon Kabat-Zinn. He's a physician who teaches a non-religious mindfulness meditation course for a variety of people. Also has some inexpensive tapes and books available as a guide to meditation. I have used them and they do help with stress.

Not a cult or anything like that.

Info available here: http://www.mindfulnesstapes.com/

10-28-2003, 01:31 PM
I heard that Phil Helmuth took up meditation to try to calm his behavior at the table. I don't think it worked too well.

10-28-2003, 11:22 PM
Actually the affirmation I heard was something along the lines of good things happen to me...Seems like one very unlikely to boomerang.

10-29-2003, 12:25 PM
Try reading "Zen and the Art of Poker", its along the lines of this topic although it doesnt go into actual meditation or anything.