View Full Version : Unethical?

10-21-2003, 04:23 PM
I was recently playing in a high-low split game, where it was obvious that the first to act player was going high, and me and one other guy were going low. The other low guy happended to have the nuts at the time, though I didn't know it. What happened is the nut low guy checks out of turn, before the first guy acts. I check behind him, not noticing that the first player never acted. Immediately after I check, the other low guy says, wait a minute, we acted out of turn, and points to the other guy to go ahead. He basically backed the action up, in other words. Well, the high guy checks, and now the other low guy bets out!! I accused him of intentionally checking out of turn to figure out where I was at (he didn't want to get quartered), and then betting when he saw I was weak. He blew up, saying he'd made a mistake and, having corrected it, could check or bet when the action got back to him. What do you think?

10-21-2003, 04:37 PM
Out of turn action is binding. If he checks out of turn, he must check if checked to, and call or fold if bet to. You too.

He may be angle-shooting, but he will only hurt himself if you protect your interests.
