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View Full Version : Postflop play in party nl25

10-15-2003, 07:24 PM
Ive been starting to play party nl25 3 tables at a time about a few weeks ago and have been making the most money i have ever made playing poker, but I've been having problems playing post flop after raising preflop.

I generally raise preflop with 88-AA, AK, AQ, and will bet the around the pot on the flop no matter what comes out against 1 or 2 opponents. My problem is when i miss the flop should i be betting the pot to try and pick it up? Is it worth it on party 25? I generally will pick up the pot majority of the time but the times the opponent calls me i lose a lot of money.

An example just happened about 20 minutes before this post i raise with AQ to 3 dollars in ep and get 1 mp caller flop comes 953 and i bet the pot, opponent goes all in for 3 more and i call and he has A3 to win it. It seems even though i will pick up the pot most of the time, im just picking up small pots and hwen i lose, i pay off the opponent who has some hand like A3 and wont believe its possible for me to have an overpair.

Another hand: I get KK and riase it preflop get one caller flop comes Axx and i bet the pot, opponent calls (right here i usually give it up and wont bet again on the turn), we check it through and he shows A4 to win it. Should i have tried to pick up the pot when an A falls because usually party players like to play Ax. What about if i have JJ and a K or a Q falls on the flop?

How often do i need ot pick up the pot for it to be worth it?? I think I just hate paying people off with hands like A3.

10-16-2003, 04:29 AM
if you haven't noticed, opinions of party NL tables are very low here (although we realize they are profitable), primarily due to their 50 big blind max buy-in.

i don't play them often, but as i understand it, the typical hand goes like this: one player makes a raise of a few dollars preflop, gets several callers, and by now the pot is so big that anyone who flops a decent hand goes all-in and hopes to get called by a worse hand.

getting to the point of your post, i think you are best off evaluating each situation on its own. for example, on your AQ hand you have only one caller and the board has come down rags. i think this is a good spot to try to pick up the pot. however, you may as well have just bet him all-in since you intended to call the raise anyway. this may put a little extra pressure on him to convince him to fold.

on your KK i would check and fold on the flop most of the time. you are getting even money on your bluff, but i believe it is well over 50% that he has an ace. even if he has a hand like TT, he may get obstinate and call the flop then bet the turn, forcing you to fold.

by the way, i generally would avoid raising with pairs smaller than jacks in this game unless you are in good position and only one or two players have limped. against opponents who are this loose it is usually best to get in cheaply and hope to flop a set.