View Full Version : Pys.of poker & Inside the Poker Mind

07-07-2002, 08:15 PM
I've been fairly obsessed with learning as much about post-flop play lately, so I re-read both of this books. I don't think there is any better reading out there to compliment the strategy books as these two. When I first got these books, I thought they were great, but as my game progressed, and I picked them up again looking for some specific insight, I realized that these are both very important works with alot of insight.

Does anyone know if there is more out there like this?

07-07-2002, 09:06 PM
The only other 2 I have read that really do a great job on postflop play, are HPFAP and Middle Limit Hold 'em Poker. From what I have seen nothing comes close to those two.


07-07-2002, 09:37 PM
I read them both also.

07-07-2002, 09:40 PM
These along with every other 2+2 book @ Caros book of tells. ITPM and POP just don't seem to get the recognition they deserve.

07-08-2002, 03:09 PM

07-09-2002, 12:16 AM
I agree, psych. of poker and inside the poker mind are underrated. I also agree with Paul Talbot, Improve Your Poker, while not specifically about hold 'em, is AWESOME. I think this book may be the most underrated of all. Everytime I read it I get something new out of it. I guess we all develop our favorite poker author(s), and Ciaffone is probably my favorite. He is like a grouchy old uncle that keeps yelling at you, "what the hell are you doing that for, you idiot!" but you listen cause you know he's right. A classic Ciaffone line in that book comes in one of his bluffing examples, where he says something to the effect of, "if you would not bet here, perhaps you should go over to the craps table, where your chances are evidently better than at poker."

If you don't have Improve Your Poker it is a crime. Sounds like you have 'em all though. What I do now, since I have so much, is every couple of months I just go to conjelco.com, go to poker books, and just scroll down the list till I see something interesting I haven't read.

By the way, I recently read Real Poker II: The play of the Hands, by Roy Cooke, and that is all about playing postflop, preflop, etc. Great book with lots of postflop play via examples from the authors own games.
