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View Full Version : Weak kicker

10-04-2003, 02:46 PM
I was playing the other day when in the big blind I had A-3, anyway the flop comes down 9-A-A, So I was first to go and I did a 4 dollar rasie at the NL 25/50. tables, everybody folded except I got one caller who re-raised me 6 dollars, at that moment I knew my kicker was going to get me into trouble and I was going to lose a lot of money on it but I just coulnt fold it, I was hoping the board would save me, anyway the final board was 9-A-A-Q-8, Turns out my opponet had A-10 and outkicked the board, should I have folded on the flop after getting re rasied knowing I was probably doomed, or do you just have to pay your opponet off in that type of situtation?

10-04-2003, 03:23 PM
I'd lay it down after getting reraised on the flop.

10-04-2003, 05:27 PM
this is a definite fold.

here, all you have to do is ask yourself: what would he raise me with? the only answer is pocket nines or an ace with a better kicker. not only will you have to call $6 here, but he will probably bet the rest of his stack at you later on.

unless you think your opponent is bluffing about half the time he makes this play, which is incredibly rare, just toss the hand away and be glad you only lost a little on it. calling away all your chips when you are surely behind will not make you feel better.