View Full Version : PokerPulse.com??

09-22-2003, 04:34 PM
Hi all,

being in VA and having NO POWER for 5 days (i'm in my law school library now to stop questions of "well how do you have internet"?), I was reading my late issue of Sports Illustrated when lo and behold, a feature article about Poker. In reading this article with a stunning picture of Chris "Jesus, but not really because that would be blasphemous and God will smite thee by giving thy opponents 72o boats" Ferguson, i came across a site called PokerPulse.com. Has anyone visited this site? Is it legit info or is it made up stuff. Supposedly it tells how many online players there are and how much money is being wagered.


09-22-2003, 06:22 PM
great tool, very legit.

09-22-2003, 09:05 PM
You will notice that the money being wagered is
just an estimate.
Ive seen others make estimates much higher (Russ G).
and others lower. Take it for what is worth.