View Full Version : Sit-and-Go tournies vs. Ring games

09-15-2003, 11:16 AM
This might be obvious to old-hands around here but I've only been playing for 3-4 months. I feel like I learned a lesson over the weekend: Sit-and-Go tournies can lead to big fluctuations in your bankroll. If you're getting a serious run of cold cards, most of your play is limited. And since your cash is in up front, you can't muck the vast majority of the rags.

I came to this conclusion after losing two eight-seat tournies in a row where these were the only notable hands I recieved over the 6 hour session (private games): AQos, KJos, JTs and 54s. I also had several JTos (ick). That was it. Mean-while, the guy to my right was abosolutely on fire with a dozon pairs in the hole over the night and AA twice.

Am I off base here? I'm sure a lot of it has to do with I'm not an edge-of-my-seat aggresive player as well as other factors. I did have several hands that night that I was proud of my play on (and a couple I'd be embarased to post).

I think I'll be sticking to ring games for a while until I build my roll enough that the sit-and-go tournies make better sense.