View Full Version : Question about hand statistics

09-08-2003, 10:24 PM
I've just started playing online (on Empire) and I have some questions about the hand statistics they show. First, does it really tell me anything useful about how I'm playing?

I'm thinking the "Flops Seen" should be an indicator of how loose/tight I'm playing, but I'm not sure what a good number is, and what to (possibly) learn from the other numbers. Here are my statistics from playing 1-2 Hold'em, and I believe the tables are typical (not unusually tight/loose/aggressive etc for the game):

Hands Played: 479
Hands Won: 7%
Showdowns Won: 57%
Flops Seen: 29%
Win% If Flop Seen: 23%

And, in terms of money, I was up a little (less than $30).

Any input would be appreciated.

09-08-2003, 11:10 PM
I'm sure someone will give you more info than this, but I am assuming that you are playing 10 handed, and remember that 29% flops seen if you are playing in a normal game, you will see some free flops(big blind, no raise) and some cheap flops(SB play and BB after a raise). The stats are good, but things that they don't show can fake the numbers sometimes, like getting AK, AQ, JJ, TT often in a session(making your flop see % higher, but not holding up and folding). Showdown % won I like too, yours is 50%+ that means more than half of your showdowns, you win, you are probably not chasing with second best hands. I also like to see my % wins at about 10% in a 10 handed game, that means that if each person wins a hand per loop, on average, I hope that I can extract a little more than my opponents when I win and lose a little less when I don't. I try to look at my stats right before I log off and relate the #'s with what cards I was dealt(good, bad, average) flop % win % showdown %, sometimes the numbers will look poor because you are not running good, but you have to think about what those numbers mean off the paper.

09-09-2003, 10:50 AM
In general, you should not be worrying about statistics. You should be worrying about whether your bankroll is increasing or decreasing. Of course there will be fluctuations, sometimes large ones, even for the best players. Over time tho, it should steadily go up.

% flops seen over many hands (thousands and thousands) is useful for limit hold'em. It should be fairly low, 30% is going to be too high. It depends on the texture of your typical game, but it should probably be 20%, maybe a bit less for typical online games. That's my ESTIMATE, not a hardcore figure that I can back up with books or math. However, I have played an awful lot of hold'em, so I feel entitled to an opinion on the matter.

You would like your % showdowns won to be as high as possible. In limit, of course you will lose some showdowns, so you're not looking for 100%, but the higher, the better.

Other than that, just play and forget about the stats.


Peter Principle
09-09-2003, 08:09 PM
I'm pretty new to the game, and this comment spiked my curiosity:

I also like to see my % wins at about 10% in a 10 handed game, that means that if each person wins a hand per loop, on average, I hope that I can extract a little more than my opponents when I win and lose a little less when I don't.

[/ QUOTE ]

If a player is playing tighter than the table, wouldn't that player expect to win fewer pots than the table average? I know that I'm not seeing anything like a 10% win rate at a 10-handed table. It's more like 6-7%.

Is my win rate too low, or is this to be expected?

09-09-2003, 09:06 PM
Nathan, you're right, he's wrong. If you're playing tighter than the table, naturally, you will be winning less pots. Trying to win 10% of the total pots is a misguided goal. My win rate is also about 7% at a full table.

Peter Principle
09-10-2003, 05:55 PM
Thank you.

If I could win 100% of the hands, I think that I could improve my BB/hr rate to an acceptable level.