View Full Version : Good or Bad preflop limp?

09-03-2003, 10:12 AM
Typical low limit loose passive at party. Im sitting 1 off the button in lp and get dealt 610s. All 7 people in front of me limp so I decide to limp to figuring I have position, I can see the flop real cheap, and I'll probobly get paid off if I hit the flop w/so many people in the game.

Was this good or bad reasoning? Why?

The Bear
09-03-2003, 10:25 AM
Good reasoning, but still the wrong decision. Though you should play many more hands against weak players, especially if you can see the flop cheap, 6Ts is simply too weak a holding to commit chips with here. If you badly outplay your opponents after the flop, this hand might be a long-term winner, but it's much more likely that it has a -EV. Also, playing hands like this will add substantially to your variance. Fold this one and pick a better spot.

09-03-2003, 10:29 AM
I fold it every time. Calling with T6s is way too loose for me.

Only real shot you have at winning it is hitting 2 pair, may be a flush.

If you hit your flush, it's 5th best one.

If you flop top pair, your kicker is weak.

If you hit a straight, it won't be the best one.

If it was T9s or T8s then I'd call.

Joe Tall
09-03-2003, 10:35 AM
This is a loose call. You're better off playing 1 or 2 gap suited in this position. Post flop this hand will be a world of hurt. If you were on the button and the CO limped w/the 7 limpers, you'd have a better debate.

I'd love to play this cheese in the SB for 1/2 bet.

09-03-2003, 10:43 AM
Good reasoning, bad decision.

09-03-2003, 10:46 AM
I'd fold that hand. Your best bet is two pair or a set on the flop and those aren't good enough odds for me. Plus you run into the possibility of Jxs, which is played often at the low limit game I usually play, and that would beat out your ten high flush. So even if you do flop the flush it may not be enough.