View Full Version : Malmuth encourages racism

08-01-2002, 04:49 PM
He lets bigots post here everyday. His favorite form appears to be anti-Semites (Malmuth is German, after all). He also never deletes anti-black remarks unless someone uses the N word.

The latest perversion is how Cyrus and Alger

are attempting to rewrite forum history. It wouldn't surprise me if it was Malmuth's idea.

Malmuth has no moral fortitude.

08-01-2002, 04:55 PM
Actually, Mason has tended to disagree with some of Alger's posts in the past.

He lets Alger post here...true...but he lets just about everyone else post here as well. I suspect even Badger could make a guest appearance if he were to simply change his handle to Otter;-)

08-01-2002, 05:01 PM

08-01-2002, 05:07 PM
These comments should actually be directed towards me.

08-01-2002, 05:38 PM
Aren't you that Springfield guy? A guy named QuadNines or something called you out on RGP.

He said something like, "Springfield, just come on RGP and TRY to challenge anything I say... anything! In fact, feel free to stick a post about antisemitism or anything else you'd like in any of my threads. I know you'll be wrong, and I'll tear you to shreds!" Sounds like a challenge to me. Better go over there and take him on.

08-01-2002, 05:42 PM
Does that mean you and David are also German?


08-01-2002, 05:45 PM
Time to either split the Other Topics into Sports, Movies, Music & Politics/Current Events, or, preferably, convert OT to the former and scrap the latter.

Its also time to 'split' the forum directory at left, so people don't have to do any 'metascrolling' to find the OT forum, which is why stuff like Ted Williams' obit winds up on the PNVG forum.

Say, anybody remember those great movie, music, etc. threads that we used to have a couple years ago?

And BTW, I was one of the worst spammers on election night and the aftermath, so I'm not exempting myself from blame here. But this current crop on the Mideast situation has 'bout drove me off. I wanna run smack on Tiger, and not have it get buried in that tragic, unsolvable, unending nightmare.

08-01-2002, 05:50 PM
"Its also time to 'split' the forum directory at left.."

I mean into poker & non-poker forums lists.

08-01-2002, 08:48 PM
Or a racist? /images/smile.gif

I'm guessing Sklansky is either a Czech or Russian name.

08-01-2002, 08:50 PM
...it would be called Yahoo.

08-01-2002, 09:32 PM

08-01-2002, 10:42 PM
"trying to rewrite forum history"

Ah, and it's a rich history indeed, so we must watch out for any attmept at revisionism. Hell, if I could access all the posts, I'd do a bit of work on periodization. Let's see,

June 1998-Sept. 1999; perhaps we could call those The Badger Months.

08-02-2002, 03:59 AM
where the hell do you get off? this isn't your website. why on earth should your opinion about it matter? it shouldn't. yet we leave it up. because everybody has the freedom and responsibility to post here. the so-called 'racism' you are so horrified over is posted by thinking adults, and read by thinking adults. we have the choice what we want to read, and we have the choice what we believe. we don't need your censorship. so what if people are racist? it's only words on a computer screen. the problems of this world are much deeper than the rage inspired by hateful posts on 2+2. racists are people too. they deserve to believe whatever they want, just like you. and they deserve to have a place to speak what they believe. if you don't like it, nobody's forcing you to stay...

08-02-2002, 04:21 AM
Actually, I always understood that the name Malmuth, spelt like it is, is English. However, my name is actually not spelled correctly. I have been told that I have distant relatives who spell it Malmud, and that the 20th century novelist Bernard Malamud is suppose to also be a distant relative.


08-02-2002, 04:26 AM
Actually, the initial post here and your comments brings up a concern I have. While I love the topic of world politics, and we encourage vigorous debate, I sometimes feel that we are not qualified to handle the type of discussions and feelings that they generate when the topic of the Mideast comes up.

I do hope that the exchange that appears here, and it certainly is extremely vigorous at times, allows all of us to not only understand things a little better, but to understand each other a little better. So again, let me ask everyone to always keep in mind that even though our views may at times be very different, we still need to be polite and civil towards each other.

Best wishes,


08-02-2002, 06:57 AM
Well said, Baggins.

Nonetheless, I think that I would like to see all the bigots and racists go away. So all you bigots and racists out there, let me know who you are, so I can start deleting your posts.

I will appreciate your prompt identifications.

Thanks, Mat

08-02-2002, 08:15 AM

08-02-2002, 08:17 AM
i'll tell you one thing--i cant bear these middle east posts either. i just pass over all these long threads now.


08-02-2002, 10:07 AM
"it's only words on a computer screen"

"they deserve to believe whatever they want, just like you. and they deserve to have a place to speak what they believe."

These statements are indicators of a philosphy which I think can be dangerous. I am not a PC person and think we need very wide latitude in debate. I think people need to be able to be tolerant of views contrary to their own. That disclaimer aside, do not underestimate the power of words. Words are symbols and are inextricably tied in with our thoughts. So people can cause damage with their words and words can have real effects. That DOES NOT mean we have to censor everything, but it does mean that thoughts are more than just words on a screen.

People have a choice of what to believe, and I agree that they have a right to believe all kinds of things. Many times irrational beliefs lead to actual harm though, so I don't like the word "deserve." Someone may have a right to have racist beliefs for instance (or religious beliefs which ruin others' lives as is so often the case) but why do they "deserve" to have those beliefs?

The idea that people "deserve" a forum for their beliefs is also dangerous. That idea necessarily implies that one person can force another to provide him a forum for his idiocy. Clearly, people have a right to avail themselves of public forums, but that is not the case here. I am glad this forum exists and hope it continues, but none of us has some kind of entitlement to it, except for the owners.

08-02-2002, 01:59 PM
Who was that guy who wrote those incredibly detailed posts on the general theory forum? He later claimed to be using an amanuensis (sp?), quit, and metamorphosed on RGP. Sort of a cross between Proust and Italo Calvino. At any rate, I would like for you to give him special attention - perhaps even his own era.

08-02-2002, 04:18 PM

sorry if my tone seemed uncivilized. believe me, i was holding back. i don't think that its a good thing that people get on here and accuse people of being racist, etc. they get on their holier-than-thou high horses and ride around accusing people of being less civil and enlightened than themselves. and it stinks. instead of accusing and pointing fingers, we should be finding ways of making this place better. posting stupid inflammatory remarks about high-profile posters being racist is not the way to do this.

08-02-2002, 04:25 PM
"That idea necessarily implies that one person can force another to provide him a forum for his idiocy"

as we all have the choice and responsibility for our words and actions, and how we choose to display them, we also have the choice of what we read, and take in, and digest. so, inasmuch as we all have the 'right' to express, we also have the right to not listen. perhaps the use of the phrase 'right to be heard' is a mistake. for we don't necessarily have the right to be heard, but the right to speak and express. if someone chooses to hear us, that is an additional benefit of expression. (obviously, the aural language of 'speaking' 'expressing' 'hearing' and 'being heard' are transferable and applicable to other forms of communication, such as writing, typing, finger-painting, glam rock, and baking)

08-02-2002, 04:29 PM
me too. i did happen to read M's theory about not going to Mid-East-run 7-11's, but that just made me sit here and waste like 2hours of precious sleeping time typing furiously for what? 12 views at the bottom of a gargantuan page of blather about a topic that we can't do anything about? forget it.

08-02-2002, 04:34 PM
i don't mean to point fingers, or incite hate around here. we are all human, and capable of mistakes. none of us is perfect. yet we all have the freedom to post here, and the freedom to read or not read what others post. the point is, we are all old enough and sentient enough to make the choice for ourselves what we allow to get into our heads. we don't need some cyber-babysitter going through and deleting posts that say 'non-white people are bad for killing white people'. we all know how to read this, and take it all with a grain of salt. if it really bothers you that much, don't read it.

that being said, i do like the idea of a politics/world news forum split from the other topics forum.

08-02-2002, 09:52 PM
Amanuensis... cool word. That was Mark Glover. Now, he would have us believe, his amanuensis is the sole writer, posting alone as Quadnines on RGP. Funny though that they seem identical. I think the amanuensis never did have a master - other than his obssession that is. I mentioned him too, just above. I thought the original poster in this thread might hit it off nicely with him.

08-03-2002, 06:58 AM
Alger, brad, Cyrus, SammyB (towards blacks), DrWogga (towards blacks), eLROY, to anme a few.

Alger is the worst offender towards Jews.

The spot about him telling brad that if given a choice between brad being circuncized or Jewish that brad should keep chopping it off is a legitimate Alger post.

All of the other statements are legitimate also.

He calls the USA is a terrorist nation. He claims the NY TImes falisifies stories intentionally to make Israel look better.

He blames Jews themselves for Palestinain murder.

He quotes percentages of Palestinian attacks against civilians as though he were privy to the

policy first hand.

He does work for a 2+2 advertizer, and Mason Malmuth never has banned him. He rarely deletes him.

08-03-2002, 10:52 AM
I was joking when I asked for a list of bigots.

All of the people you list, regardless of their personal beliefs, clearly put a lot of thought into their posts. Perhaps, since you won't go away after being barred, you might put some more thought into your own posts. You say the same things over and over and nobody cares. Show me a racial slur and I'll delete it. Show me excessive profanity and I'll delete it. Aside from that, any and all opinions put forth in a respectful, civil manner are here to stay. Get over it lol!

08-04-2002, 04:11 AM
It is truly sad that Mason Malmuth has convinced you that someone as hateful as Alger can continue to declare outright racial hatred, and you choose to look the other way. I can post word for word reprints of Alger's hatred if you like.

Malmuth deleted these in the past, even while leaving Alger's hate in place in the archives.

There is something seriously wrong with your family business when you choose to betray your own people for a few shekels.

Your father has taught you well what the true value of gambling has on corrupting the values

of normally decent Americans.

08-04-2002, 05:03 AM

In the long run, and probably the short run too, I think it's highly likely you'd feel a lot better about yourself if you moved on and put the 2+2 forum behind you. You'd be tempted to post for a while, as you adjusted to a different routine, but in time you'd be rid of the constant conflict, which really isn't going to accomplish anything for you anyway. It would give you the chance to move on and explore the vast array of possibilites life has to offer.

Alternatively, to test yourself to see if you're really serious about helping the world through public debate of issues (rather than just being caught up in inner and interpersonal conflict), why not try a larger forum intended exclusively for the issues you spend your time on here. A bigger audience would mean a larger impact on the world. Just some thoughts.

08-04-2002, 08:49 AM
You are a very mean-spirited hate-filled person.

You are the racist that you you so willingly color others. To make a reference to shekels underscores your true racist beliefs. You're throwing stones from a big fat glass idiot tank.

Seek help before you cook yourself alive stewing in your own foul juices.

08-04-2002, 09:49 AM
No I'm not. I oppose racial hatred and bigotry where I see it. You obviously do not. Dr. King didn't win the fight for civil rights by keeping his mouth shut. Ghandi attacked economically Btitish bigotry. You simply look the other way.

Millions of German's looked the other way in 1933-to 1945 because the German economy grew at the expense of the Jews. To sin by silence when corruption is present makes cowards of us all.

2+2's invo;vement with illegal internet poker not only supports international organized crime, it has caused them to look the other way to out and out racial hatred. If you cannot see that, then you are an ostrich.

Alger belongs under constant surveillance as a natonal security threat.

08-04-2002, 11:38 AM
I find it ironic that the very same forum you accuse of anti-semitic leanings and criminal collusion is the very same forum that allows you to spew such utter nonsense.

And for you to draw an analogy about me being like the millions of germans that did nothing about that vile piece of mutant humanity Hitler is unpardonable ignorance on your part.

Let's hope you aren't in a position to influence anyone around you to your distorted view of others. I certainly know you won't influence anyone on this forum.

And as far as me being as ostrich. I'd rather be that than the total ass that you are.

"Loyalty to petrified opinion never broke a chain or freed a human soul." Mark Twain

08-04-2002, 02:29 PM
'as a natonal security threat.'

there are limits when administration invokes natonal security. the proper term for unchecked government power is 'homeland security'.


also as ive reported you can notify the tips program. http://www.citizencorps.gov/tips.html


08-04-2002, 06:07 PM

08-04-2002, 07:37 PM
im being serious. 'homeland security' is distinct from 'national security'.

for example, when a person is held in preventative detention (indefinitely) without access to a lawyer or even their name being given out (and no charges), it is legal under 'homeland security', but not 'national security'.

also im very anxious (like christmas eve almost) to be part of the TIPS program and do my part as an american citizen.
