View Full Version : Palestinians Murder 4 More Innocent Civilians

07-26-2002, 03:12 PM
Palestinian gunmen murdered 4 more Israeli civilians today.

Where is the condemnation of these despicable acts?

Where's the outrage?

Where's the fury that is repeatedly directed at Israel?

Chris Alger? KJS?

07-26-2002, 05:40 PM
Children all over the world were killed yesterday with munitions that I didn't help supply and by governments that mine doesn't bankroll and by forces that aren't applauded by racists in my country as "valiant" (Mona Charen).


07-26-2002, 05:55 PM
well if the side you didn't help bankroll (say the Soviet Union under Stalin, if you were living at the time) was perpetrating heinous acts on a massive scale, I would say condemn that! even if lesser evils were being perpetrated by some you did help support (which you might wish to condemn as well).

Focusing ONLY on the evils your country might indirectly help bankroll is wrong if greater or equivalent evils are being perpetrated by others. Therefore if you are espousing the policy of loudly condemning only the evils your country helps bankroll, you are taking a flawed position.

While the above example (Stalinist Russia) is not a true parallel, it does help show why a position such as you seem to be taking may be fundamentally flawed. Even more obviously, you (we) probably didn't help to significantly bankroll Naziism in Germany either. But I'll bet you would condemn as a great and inexcusable evili regardless of whether or not we did. So while the Palestinian actions are the not equivalent of the Nazis (at least on degree of scale), you cannot logically take refuge in the principle you seem to be espousing in the above post.

You may have a point if you prefer to give some degree of additional weight to condemnation of evils perpetrated by those we support since we may have more direct influence in those matters. But that somewhat weighted preference cannot logically extend infinitely, regardless of the degree or scope of evils perpetrated by others.