View Full Version : John Walker Lindhh Statement

07-18-2002, 01:21 PM
as follows:

"I provided my services as a soldier to the Taliban last year from about August to December. In the course of doing so, I carried a rifle and two hand grenades. I did so KNOWINGLY AND WILLINGLY, knowing that it was illegal." John Walker Lindh said in court.

Knowingly and Willingly.

His chief attorney, (yes, he has multiple ones) James Brosnahan stated, "He wanted to leave [the Taliban] afer Sept. 11. He couldn't because he was threatened with death."

How can Lindh and his attorneys reconcile this statement with the fact that when he was alone with the American interrogators, he did not speak up and say who he was and that he was threatened with death when he conveyed to the Taliban that his intention was to leave because of the catostrophic events of 911? And with the words of their own client who admitted he "knowingly and willingly" was a Taliban soldier?

It doesn't make sense because it is not truthful. Why else the justification for the WTC attack when he was interviewed by CNN after his transfer to a U.S. ship for processing back to America.

BTW, he will do twenty full years, no possibility of parole and he will not be able to profit from the writings or other use of his story. I am a betting woman...anyone care to take me up on a wager? I bet his parents make millions wagging their tongues about their son and how he was a confused victim of his own wayward path to spiritual enlightentment..to anyone that will listen.


07-18-2002, 07:20 PM
i just dont understand how being a soldier for the taliban (pre-911) at a time when washington was sending them millions of dollars was illegal.

i mean, were the flying tigers illegal?


07-18-2002, 07:42 PM

I think John's story would be great for a TV movie. There are many things to think about here. First, when John went overseas the Taliban were our alies. The United States support the Taliban to kick out the Soviets. Secondly, how religion is used to brainwash people into committing actions they would normally not do. I think the story about John is really sad, and his parents should be the ones to blame for letting him go there to begin with.


07-18-2002, 08:23 PM

07-18-2002, 08:37 PM
so youre saying that what he did only became illegal when the US declared war?


07-18-2002, 08:38 PM
Well Mark, I feel he was an adult at the time of the U.S. Embassy, U.S.S. Cole and WTC/Pentagon attacks and therefore responisble for his own actions. So I do not see where laying the blame at his parents feet in any way diminishes his culpability.

Also, all bets should have been off the table once any one of the above-mentioned attacks occured. He should not have been there fighting for a maniacal band of idiots that were..almost hourly..using their spokesman in Pakistan to hurl only more threats to the United States. It sickened me to watch this Taliban spokesman summoning the panting press only to spew more hatred, misinformation and continuing threats to wreak havoc on America and our interests abroad.

The truth is he was aware of the Taliban's defense of the attacks on America, their steadfast support of bin Laden and al qaeda terrorist network and provided shelter, intelligence and did everything they could to thwart this madman's capture.

Walker then had the complete gall to attempt to justify these terrorist acts in the early period of his capture aboard a Unites States Navy ship where he knew he could not be harmed by the Taliban. To me this proves what side he was on and there is no way he can dance his way out of it now. Except I think 20 years IS a dance to what he would be facing should the shoe be on the other foot. The Taliban and al Qaeda have been known to behead people for something as innocent as trying to educate the female gender in their society.

He deserves a lot more than what he was able to plead out to, in my opinion.


07-18-2002, 08:46 PM
of course you realize congress was sending the taliban millions of dollars (about 50 million) in 2001.

just to be clear, all the terrorist attacks you mention occurred previous to congress giving the taliban all this money.

pretty weird, huh?


07-18-2002, 09:40 PM
Well, the USA has been sending the PLO millions per year also, but I think we have recently stopped or will be stopping soon.

Better to wake up late than never.

07-18-2002, 10:04 PM

What I am stating is this: John Walker Lindh has stated in open court, with at least three of his attorneys by his side, that he was a Taliban soldier in August 2001, September 2001, October 2001, November 2001 and December 2001. Right up until he was captured with an automatic rifle and two grenades, a soldier in an army whose enemy that day included American forces.

How you can try and mitigate his actions after the horrendous attacks by al Qaeda and their supporters, most notably the very Taliban that he was part and parcel of, is beyond me.

America supported the Afghanistans that were defending themselves against an invasion force of Russians. To say that we then are responsible for the Taliban leadership turning Afghanistan into the stinking hell hole it became under Taliban dictatorship is bs. They distorted an honorable religion into their own brand of hatred, bigotry and unjustified atrocities against their own and other peoples of the world.

And JWL was in the thick of it until he was captured on a field of battle, committed to fighting the "evil American empire".

07-19-2002, 12:23 PM
what do i care? blow his brains out. at least youve shown you cant engage in rational discussion.


07-19-2002, 10:37 PM

One point I was trying to make is who in their right mind would let there kid go off to some country living by laws of the middle ages to study religion? That's the sad part of the story. It's like letting your kid join the "Heavens Gate" group, and we all know that they're now six feet under.

Futhermore, if he had to make the choice today to go overseas to study religion, it surely would not be the middle east. I believe he was coerced into doing what he did once he was there, but he was old enough to understand what was happening and deserves any punishment the US will give him. Furthermore, from his brainwashing from religion and the Taliban, I see him as being a threat to society and believe that he should never be set free.

I think his story is a real tradegy. It appears he was a young stupid kid who decided that he was going to go overseas and do some good in the world. Then the world turns upside down.


07-20-2002, 08:51 AM
I don't see it that way, Mark. I really believe he never lost his comprehension abilities. A chronological review of his emails back to the states shows he was aware of the terrorist attacks against U.S. interests and in fact justified their occurence. The idea of some vapid vacant-headed blissed out on religion kid with his head in the clouds doesnt ring true to me based not only on his actions, but even more importantly on his own words..written in emails and spoken into microphones, without coercion. In a world such as this, where horrendous attacks by groups like al Qaeda, Hammas, Abu Subaya and others occur daily, people should be aware that they will bear full responisibility and justice for their actions to aide or collude in attacks against innocent people, for whatever misguided cause they name to justify it.

07-20-2002, 05:02 PM

I think that John is a victim of his environment and political circumstances at the time. What do you think his original intentions were when he went to the middle east when the Taliban was our buddies? It's easy to convince a young kid to fight for a cause. I'm not using this as an excuse for his actions, but I believe that he should be either put to death or locked up forever. I'm not in disagreement concerning his guilt for the crimes he committed.


07-20-2002, 10:58 PM
my point was more like this: right now there are US citizens serving in the israeli army. is that illegal? if not, would it be (retroactively) illegal if at some future point relations between the two countries deteriorated?

you see my point.


07-22-2002, 08:54 AM
No Brad. Not only do I not see your point, I rarely think you are capable of constructing a valid one.

To equate members of the Israeli army, a country that is comprised of, among many other peoples, a great number of American-Jews, with a quarter-wit like Jihad Johnny is not only insulting to Israelis, Americans and in general intelligent people everywhere, but it is also assinine and unworthy of serious debate.

07-22-2002, 09:50 AM
here is the parallel:

if it is illegal to serve in a foreign army, then is it illegal to serve in the israeli army?

if it is illegal to serve in the army of a foreign government that is out of favor with washington, then if israel falls out of favor with washington, will americans who have served in israel be prosecuted?


07-22-2002, 02:48 PM
I suppose if they were to take up arms against us, like Lindh did, they would be killed or prosecuted. I don't the crux of the matter lies in the fact that he took up arms against us, not that he was part of a group which fell out of favor.

07-22-2002, 03:25 PM
'the crux of the matter lies in the fact that he took up arms against us'

i think thats why he got offered the plea, because that is really hard to prove, given the circumstances.


07-22-2002, 04:47 PM
I am not faulting him for believing in the ideals that the Taliban presented in their early beginnings. But it also became increasingly clear that they were, at the very least, misguided and in my opinion, criminally liable for their meted out punishments to people for "crimes" such as a woman showing an ankle or mouth, a woman walking to market unescorted by a male (not just any male, either a relative or close family friend)and a teacher holding class for anyone of the female gender. They beat children for listening to music or for dancing. Also the all-too-frequent public executions that were televised throughout the world should have given Jihad Johnny a much-needed wake up call. And then 9-11. There just is not justification on my mind for him bearing arms alongside these people that were issuing death threats to Americans and championing the attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon. He not only stayed..and fought alongside them, he stood by them even after he was captured, in interviews where he stated he was aware of the many attacks against Americans and believed they were justified.

07-23-2002, 02:44 AM

Why didn't the US media expose how the Taliban treated women prior to 9-11 attacks?

Furthermore, I find it interesting that the US supported the Taliban when they wanted to drive out the Soviets. Which proves that the US government will be partners with anyone as long as its goals are accomplished. This has been going on for ages where the US has supported dictators in the middle east, China, and South America without thought given to human rights issues. The reason for that is one of the main US goals is to support a government that is pro capitalist.

The issue concerning women in the middle east was only exploited by the government influencing the media (ABC, NBC, and CBS to name a few) when they wanted support from women in the US to invade Afganistan. Doen't it strike you funny, the the media only brings up these issues when the government is looking for public support.

My last word on John Walker Lindhh is he is guilty and hopefully will receive appropriate punishment, and if the government does not give him an appropriate sentance, maybe some of his inmates will. I still think it is a sad story, and I do blame parents like his for letting their kids go off and do whatever they want, but John still made the decision himself.


07-23-2002, 01:15 PM

Are you suggesting that America become Policeman/Judge/Jury/Executioner to every despot/corrupt regime or country in the world?

We are but a member of the world community and we cannot police every country globally. We can and do work within the confines of world organizations like the United Nations, Nato and several additional global committees whose objective is to bring to light and help correct the wrongs against all peoples.

9-11 brought the terrorists to our doorsteps. These scurrying rats hit and run and if it takes decades to burn these scoundrels out of their mountains, caves, hovels, villages and dens then so be it.

I do believe Clinton bears responsibility for not doing more against al Qaeda and bin Laden before leaving office. The attacks on the U.S. embassy in Africa and U.S.S. Cole mandated an immediate military response from the U.S. Clinton did not have the stomach for stepping up and shouldering the fight against terrorism that should have been undertaken much more vigorously than paying an afghan shepherd 25K to poison his tea.

Terrorism is a sad reality we are enduring daily. I believe what Bush said in a speech ..we must bring the fight to them.

07-23-2002, 01:28 PM
'We can and do work within the confines of world organizations like the United Nations, Nato and several additional global committees whose objective is to bring to light and help correct the wrongs against all peoples.'

only now do i realize youre kidding. heh.


07-23-2002, 03:19 PM
Yeah, Brad...like you MUST have been kidding when you said Federal Prosecutors prolly gave Jihad Johnny the deal because they had a weak case. Care for me to enlighten that dark lil world you live in?

Federal Prosecutors issued a statement to the press whereby they announced the twenty year sentence plea agreement accepted by Jihad Johnny. They went on to say that this would spare the various intelligence officials from having to come forward and publicize sensitive documents and information. Also it would mean that Jihad Johnny would cooperate fully with all investigations, even submitting to polygraph tests to verify any information he gives is truthful. And Jihad Johnny will serve the full twenty years. So, when you look at the bigger picture, it is a win/win situation for the american people. The lil backstabber will have 20 years to reflect on his disillisioned quest and provide any information about the workings of these terrorist organizations, no matter how trivial it may be. And we don't squander publicizing our intelligence gathering operations to convict a nitwil like him. Save that for bin Laden, Omar and Hussein.

07-23-2002, 11:11 PM

I'm not sure if you understand what I'm implying. Let me try to make it clearer. The US will only support pro-capitalist regimes. Human rights is secondary. If the government wants support from you, it will use the major media outlets to promote its agenda.

Furthermore, it was very easy for the al Qaeda to cross our boaders, and attack us. The 9-11 incident was not unexpected. The twin towers has been a target since it was first bombed in '93.

The only surprize is both buildings collapsed.

We probably have more members of al Qaeda living in the US than anywhere in the world, since it is so easy to cross our boarders. I wouldn't be surprized if their headquarters is really in New York. Futhermore, it is even easier for them to fit into our society and hide. The government will never find them either because people will complain about unreasonable searches and that their rights are being violated. If I had a terrorist organization, I'd headquarter it in the USA because it is the safest place to do it from.