View Full Version : This color scheme is terrible!

08-02-2003, 06:16 AM
It seems there are only two color schemes to choose from even though a few are listed. It's either this really ugly one or the crazy unreadable one called "wild". Can you guys please install some other choices?

08-02-2003, 10:21 AM
all the blank spots in the drag down are different colors. i found a great one there. select a blank spot and hit submit

kudos to duuu..hmmm, who *did* discover that?


08-02-2003, 02:31 PM
Hey, thanks. I should've tried the blanks, but it was about 3:30 am and it crossed my mind and then I forgot to do it. I wonder why Chuck or whoever is running the backend of the forum can't display the choices?

Anyway, now it looks better than then before the upgrade.

08-02-2003, 04:25 PM
my pleasure bb, but i think we ALL owe a big thanx to the person who figured it out. i'll lay 100-1 that my memory says it was dux.

i had written chuck a few times about it, and he did not get back. chuck is a granny hater for some reason. it is totally baffling because he acts almost like i am disrespectful or something, and i have NO IDEA where someone would get that opinion of me.

also, between all dem books they are now selling, and the server upgrade, i'm sure the priority on that was, and is low low low.

anyway, glad you found the blank. you got the rest set "properly"? are you a 'flat', or 'threaded' kinda guy? i have read BBS for years, and when MAT suggested the flat view with this newfangled forum reader, i had no idea how much better it was (for me anyway)

i was MISSSSSSERABLE looking at that refugee grey. now i have this soft aqua that someone suggested, and it is actually easier on the eyes than the blue that i missed so bad. i know it seems like i obsess over these colors, but i got terribly spoiled with the clean, colorful look since the new forum style changed. it does not take much to make me happy, and between the speed and the options, i'm a happy ole bag.

now if i can just figure out how to get mason to give raffle tickets for each post, then we will be on the way of recapturing the market that OC stripped from us </sarcasm>

and btw, if he really does give prizes for posts, i'll be needing an alias. any suggestions on what handle i should use when posting on champs forum?

the two i had already created and posted with were deleted.


08-03-2003, 06:21 AM
A poor old farmer had suffered a string of bad luck and was desperate for money. His friend suggested that he raffle off his mule. The farmer sold tickets to everyone in town, and the day before the raffle drawing his bad luck continued when the mule died. Still, in desperate straits, he went ahead with the raffle.

Upon hearing of this, his friend asked “But didn’t people get mad?”

The farmer replied “Well, just the one guy... and I gave him his dollar back.”

08-03-2003, 01:06 PM
why do i have a feeling that OC would handle a raffle in much the same was as the dead jackass prize?

i envision OC coming up with some grandiose promo to bribe for posters, but when the payday comes, the winner will end up with something other than expected.

any forum that has to give prizes to encourage posts is a forum that i have no time for.

(unless the prize is a PT Cruiser Turbo in Patriot Blue with leather seats.. BTW, thx clubdicecasino for providing the down payment, and keeping me from having to lay out a dollar.. granny is picking up this car wednesday, and will post a pic of it. thanks to a $4 bet, i'll now be "styling" when i go to church on sundays.. WOO freakin HOO! are you guys tired of hearing about that jackpot?? i'm soooo sorry.. tee hee)

Mike Haven
08-03-2003, 02:19 PM
i like the blank space immediately above 2+2 best

thanks for the info

08-03-2003, 04:22 PM
If you want a truly 60s-style mind-blowing psychedelic experience, try two above the 2+2 one.