View Full Version : Do not rush to judgment

07-05-2002, 07:55 AM
An Islamic Egyptian immigrant enters LAX airport armed for combat and open fires on civilians at the Israeli airline, El Al. He kills two people before El Al security kills him. The FBI and the national TV media are saying it is not clear whether this was a terrorist act.

Terrorist is such a judgmental word. Perhaps we should call this fellow a political activist.

07-05-2002, 08:20 AM
Maybe he's a religious nut case, well not anymore. He's just dead. Maybe this god of jihad should send the world a fax and give us some additional instructions. Religion seems to be the catalyst for a great many deaths throughout history. What's that all about? Doesn't the god of all religions kill enough of us off each year though accidents and painful diseases? Why does he have so many holy wars?


07-05-2002, 09:14 AM
Individuals who are indoctrinated into a "nutty" or hateful religion generally cannot be considered "nutcases," since it is normal to conform to the beliefs of your reference social group. However, I think that an individual who seeks to kill unknown civilians because they have a different religious or ethnic background can be considered a terrorist.

BTW, the fellow in question succeeded in murdering a 25 year old woman and a father of five children (with a pregnant wife); others were wounded. On Mohammad Hadayet's door was found a sticker saying "Read the koran."

07-05-2002, 01:27 PM
Radical elements that post here regularly would say he was a freedom fighter acting against "the terrorist coalition of the USA and Israel." You know who they are.

07-05-2002, 04:11 PM
www.skolnicksreport.com/palax.html (http://www.skolnicksreport.com/palax.html)

07-05-2002, 07:51 PM

07-06-2002, 01:58 PM
All I know is that the first thing I saw on the live coverage of this was a message from the Israeli rep saying this was a terrorist act.

Ask yourself this: Who has benefited the most from the increase in world terrorism? Not the terrorists. Not the world. Israel. More terrorism=more US support for their attempt to steal land from the Palestinians.

A man simply shooting people with a gun is not terrorism. It's murder. I don't remember us calling any of the numerous racist murders in this country terrorism, because they aren't.

I may be wrong, but my perception is that Israel obtained funding from the US in part because they are Jewish and what has historically happened to the Jews. They used this money to finance unjust military operations against Palestine. Palestine, having no money, had no way to fight back except terrorism.

Terrorism is, in my opinion, an acceptable way for a government to fight a war if it doesn't have the funds for real defense. Terrorism is not acceptable, in my opinion, if it is used in an aggressive rather than defensive manner. Thus, in my opinion, the Palestinians are right to use terrorism vs. Israel but bin Laden's terrorism against the US is unacceptable.

The US population needs to take a real look at what is happening in Israel. It is at the root of our international terrorist problems. I believe we funded a country that is doing unjust things and now it is coming back to hurt us. The fact that we continue to support them without stopping to take an objective look at what is going on is unfortunate.

All this is my opinion based on what I currently know. I could be way off and my opinion could change if I discovered my facts were wrong.