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View Full Version : Vertical vs. Horizontal scaling (move up or widen out?)

12-29-2005, 12:16 PM
I have a couple thousand hands under my belt at .05/.10 and am bankrolled for .10/.20, so I was thinking of moving up.

However, I am currently playing on one table at at time. Multitabling seems to be a given for serious online players.

Which is a better path of advancement, moving up a limit or adding another table? Why?

12-29-2005, 01:28 PM
I'd continue up in limit.

If you're going to multi-table, then make it worth the extra effort.

The only other thing I'd say is wait until you are regularly crushing the tables at a particular limit until you start multi-tabling.

12-29-2005, 08:32 PM
wait until you are regularly crushing the tables at a particular limit until you start multi-tabling.

A+ answer. The crux is decision making; more experience gives
more exposure to situational play. Multi-tabling cuts down on
manual reads and can lead to betting action mistakes, etc.

Don't worry about being a "serious online player". Play the level
that feels right to you and take shots at higher limits to test
yourself and get a feel for different styles of play before committing
your roll. Once it becomes almost "boring"...this is the time to add
a table (1 at a time seems right).

Good Luck and post hands at your new level.