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View Full Version : mid-pockets in the blind

12-22-2005, 12:02 AM
Live game, $5-$5 NL. 8 handed. The game is very loose. I would guess 60%-70% of players see the flop.

I have 88 in BB. 4 players have limped, SB has checked. I don't like a raise here, because unless I raise to $50, I'm not going to fold anyone, and even if I do raise to $50, I'll probably get a caller or two, overcards will come, and I'll be first to act into a huge pot with no idea where I stand. So I check.

Flop: J,6,3, rainbow. It checks to the button, who bets the pot. What do I do? If I call, I'm sure 2-3 other players will call as well, hoping to hit something. If I raise to protect my hand, I'm building a huge pot with a hand that could easiy be second best. I'm pretty sure that the button will call my raise even with nothing, and I won't know whether I'm beat until I bet the turn. This requires a big investment, and I don't know if I like my hand enough to invest that much. I don't want to fold because my 8's coud very well be good.

All of my options suck, but which one sucks the least?

12-22-2005, 12:23 AM
In a game like this I'm playing 88 mainly for set value especially in early position. Why would you want to play a big pot OOP with what may be second pair against players that have no problem calling an allin with JQ. Sometimes its hard to stay patient live seeing so few hands but it pays dividends if they're gonna call you anyway. With all that said I muck and dont think twice about it.

12-22-2005, 12:35 AM
Fold. You are playing 88 for set value in 5-way pots. There is a chance you have the best hand now, but how many good turn cards can you think of? about 2? Every other card in the deck either puts another over on the board or potentially hits some idiot's straight-draw. Not a fun place to be OOP vs. donkeys.